
Ford does a very good business with those upjumped Explorers, working with law enforcement at every stage of development to make sure the details were right.

Just the thing if you’re always huntin’ fur th’ guzzoline.

At unnamed foreign port where US Navy vessels regularly stop for shore leave....

Same with Amos and Bobbie. They can spar, and have each others’ back in a desperate firefight, but there’s no romance in it.

Ty worked with GRRM. Daniel was already an established author.

Probably the same (now empty) containers liberated by Drummer’s fleet and brought to Ceres Station.

Androids won the battle at Tannhauser Gate. And don’t get me started on the android-crewed attack ships lost off the shoulder of Orion. A real tragedy.

Only until Spider-Man stopped pulling his punches, took off his mask and gave Fisk an in-prison beatdown for the ages.

Can none of y’all spell her first name right?

You mean the attendant who committed assault by slapping the phone out of the man’s hand. Recording that conversation does not violate of federal law. You can even record a conversation while in “airplane mode” if you want to make that a thing.

That’s all well and good, but as a passenger I have the right to be able to TRUST that the FAs are looking out for the safety of ALL passengers. Those two broke that trust for me, and I would refuse to fly with them on that basis.

The other FA attempting to slap the phone out of the man’s hand is assault. The contact between them and the phone falling to the deck constitutes battery. Full stop.

Serenity: A Firefly Movie...oh, wait.

Five is right out!

With the popularity of Dune right now, “Ben Folds Space” is right there.

Mustang Mach-E all day, every day.

Take your star for that trenchant observation.

No, no. What else floats in water?

Imported or incoming, the answer remains...China.

For me, I wondered why the Cerritos didn’t think of circling back and approaching the planet from the other — debris-free — side. Get in front of the Archimedes and hit the tractor beams.