
Only because Strange Supreme gained the power to perceive The Watcher as a by-product of his quest.

The TVA came in and pruned 14,000,604 failed scenarios? That’s a lot of effort, even for them.

But he’s the one you call, to make you feel alright!

But G-d forbid anyone consult a telemedicine doctor for family planning....

If that’s where “doing you own research” leads, I’d rather be a sheeple following the experts.

I only worked at an Army Medical Center for two years -- in public affairs, nowhere close to patient care -- but those years included a JCAHO certification. Thanks for tonight’s nightmare.

Transitioning away from a massive payday is different, and likely more difficult, than that other one.

Oh he’d be GREAT in the role.

The irony being The Mule was anything but a “Great Man.”

So the 2004 adaptation of I, Robot then?

And how many people know that who’ve only heard the stories third-hand as hearsay and rumor? To them, “red beams” = “frickin’ lasers” every day.

Blue skin + red hair = Mystique. Would cause too much unwarranted and distracting speculation.

They will — and she’s hardcore.

Fortunately, the sheer volume of the incompetent means plenty of chances for things going BOOM! and people going “Aiiigh!”

Similarly, Gordie Howe will (soon, we promise!) have a bridge named in his honor crossing from Detroit to highways bypassing downtown Windsor....

What’s next, Bill Laimbeer offers himself up as a negotiator and meets with the Taliban?”

Hence the term “Crazy Ivan” for Soviet submarines using their engines to make radically sharp turns....

Came here for this — OMG I actually watched Riptide every week — and was not disappointed.


The only thing that stops bad guys with performance cars are good guys with performance cars.