The actual maker of toys for toddlers?
The actual maker of toys for toddlers?
You’ve found the all-caps version of the new logo’s font!
Fisher Body, right? With the carriage silhouette logo?
The Danny DeVito Penguin from Batman Returns? Yes, I see it, and can no longer unsee it.
His pre-mullet’s doing him no favors — cronyism in the front, fear-mongering in the back.
Believe me, those Republicans ARE hiding from an angry mob — their own core supporters they’ve been stoking and inciting for 20+ years. Fear of being primaried in their safely-gerrymandered seats, fear of losing billionaire donors who want autocracy, and just generalized fear of being well and truly caught...that’s…
Supposedly the single biggest factor in Chrysler executives accepting the Daimler buyout way back then was the prospect of Mercedes company cars. Shallow to the core, that lot.
A sitting Democratic Senator cannot be named to any executive branch post. Even if both Ossoff and Warnock win on 5 January, the Biden Administration cannot lose a single Senate ally. It’ll be hard enough dealing with the likes of Joe Manchin, the West Virginia center-right Dem who would absolutely REVEL in being the…
Cybertruck towing an Airstream...
Too classy. As soon as the new Congress is sworn in and Tulsi becomes a former Congresswoman, she’s headed to either OAN, Newsmax TV or — most likely because they’ll pay more for her — RT (Russian propaganda TV).
Birds check in, but they don’t check out.
That is up to the Michigan State House to decide, and since Republicans control that body it ain’t gonna happen — not so long as they have doctored evidence against a Detroit Democrat (an African-American woman, no less) they can wield like a bludgeon so that even more MAGA chuds can threaten her with lynching..
If lying is a negative, then lying about having lied is like a double-negative, i.e. back to positive.
Shameless will truly join the Showtime Hall of Fame if the final scene shows Lip and Ian at a logging camp in British Columbia.
Something like this happened with The Shield’s depiction of its uniformed LAPD officers in the Farmington precinct: Badge placement was reversed, along with other subtle changes to show these were actors on a scripted series, not actual police.
Last time I saw that “new” Opel Next font, my optometrist was holding a paddle over my right eye and asking me to read the letters on the far wall.
“Silent Majority” was coined for Dick Nixon in 1968, and it certainly meant “white people” then. So naturally the Trumpists brought it back.
Gen X is always left off the list. Always. That age cohort slips in through other categories, or not at all.
“Gandalf STOVE?”
In 2012, Grover Norquist was quite blunt: “Pick a Republican with enough working digits to handle a pen to become president of the United States. This is a change for Republicans: the House and Senate doing the work with the president signing bills. His job is to be captain of the team, to sign the legislation that…