
fits your narrative”

just call it d∞mscroll instead

Yeah, his phrasing was why I opened the link in the first place. I was expecting to see some giant novel length forum post about how the dude was abusive, especially given that the rest of the article mentions he’s a violent domestic abuser; but her post is literally just a reply almost at the bottom of its own page

Remember: THESE PEOPLE AREN’T DEMANDING THAT THE SPECIAL BE REMOVED. They’re demanding that Netflix stop firing people for speaking their minds, and demanding that the company invest in uplifting trans voices (instead of just dumping $25 million on some has-been comedian who thinks “LOL I joined a hategroup” is a

The sickest part of all of this is how so many people don’t just want to ignore how someone can use their comedy platform to dehumanize people who are already under attack. No, that’s not enough. At the least, they want the dehumanized people to shut up and not complain. Hell, they want those who’ve been attacked to

Thankfully, as he’s assured us multiple times, jokes can’t hurt people. So he can feel free to kiss my balls! He’s gonna have to find them in a medical waste dumpster in Arizona, but I’m sure he’s got nothing better to do.

Guess he dug himself into a hole he couldn’t climb out of...

It appears as if this AI thinks that Waluigi is a yelling man in a business suit who wears a purple hat. I guess, in abstract, that’s not wrong?

that actually would work, it would be a retro nod like rob and duck hunt dog, it would fly over a lot of heads, but that actually would be a valid nostalgia character,

or, lets go fully fucking nuts, howard and nester. team up character.

There’s little chance but I’d also love, love, love to see Conker the Squirrel. 


Given the guy’s political views that doesn’t really shock me. Stubbornly refusing to accept things as they are and demanding they conform to your view of things is very on brand for a right wing chud like Cawthon.

I’m actually gonna die mad about cawthon being a gem about quality control and offering free content, and then all the while turning his fat merch checks over to assholes who’d make sure I’d get drawn and quartered in the street for being queer. Fuck scott cawthon and anyone who’d defend him for “having an opinion.

The former can still be a de-facto DRM.

Would it be reasonable for me to ask Rockstar to cut out all black males out of the game just because someone posted a video of them going out to kill all the N*****s in the game?

Some folks have also suggested MOGAI (Marginalized Orientations, Gender Alignments or identities and Intersex) but it hasn’t really caught on, perhaps because people don’t want to be confused with mogwai the gremlins critter, the scottish band, or the Chinese demon. 

And not just any woman, but Rebecca Heineman, who went on to co-found Interplay and help develop the original Bard’s Tale trilogy and Wasteland (a/k/a Fallout Before Fallout). She even valiantly — though fruitlessly — attempted single-handedly to get Doom to run decently on 3DO.

I knew this was in development for a while so I expected it to be at least competent but sadly it's so rough I uninstalled after about 15 minutes. It felt like a game jam game or someone's rough approximation of Tony Hawk made in something like Dreams, not a commercial release.