
Yep, for many reasons. 1) People of all races and ethnicities have large butts. Having a sizable ass is not a cultural trait that can be appropriated because it is a biological trait that is found across diverse populations all over the world. 2) Oakland is not synonymous with black. It’s a very racially diverse

People aren't missing the point, they're saying the point is stupid. Which it is.

God help me if I find some fuckwitted meninist trying to pee in the ladies room just to prove a point. I love how these jackasses express their transphobia by demanding entitlement to enter a female space.

But just because you forgot to wrap-up. HELL NAW.

That is definitely a huge part of it. Most women don’t come into this world feeling as though they are owed something just for being born.

I always thought “The chicks’ll cream” was “The chicks will scream”, which made plenty of sense to me.

I think it depends on the area. I live in the suburbs and my property taxes pay for fire, police, and municipal services. It is one of those “taxes pay for the benefits of civilization” type deals. I for one sleep better knowing if my property caught fire someone would show up with a hose.
If yo don’t get that with

I just imagine someone walking into a room, hearing muffled music and going crazy trying to figure out where its coming from.

Amen, thank you. Economic inequality is so much more important to me than abortion rights, and I am female and a feminist. Sexual politics have hijacked and polarized the political process for too long. We have nearly attained plutocracy status because of all the hay Republicans have made about abortion. If Bernie is

I much prefer when people just say, “I’m voting for her because she is a woman” (I’ve had several people tell me this here) rather than do the femsplaining Hillary-stan dance, to me, a feminist.

ecause they are weighing these things “against” a pristine voting record for Sanders on reproductive rights.

I think HRC supporters are desperate to discredit him anyway they can.

Also not giving him a pass, but I think he approached it as it should be obvious that he’s fully pro-choice from his record, and he was focused on what made him different from Clinton.

I dislike the fact that the Clintons are part of the political “establishment” in that way, but I also am terribly grateful to that establishment because it helps to get sane candidates elected in an insane political environment. Even if I prefer Bernie, you can be sure that if Clinton wins the primary it will be

The problem is that the Clintons have been around for so long that pretty much everyone heading the major liberal organizations has worked for them at some point. Defending the Clintons is what they do, even to the detriment of the Democratic process. PPA endorsed Clinton right around when her Iowa numbers really

That’s ok, he’ll just have to stick with opposing the Iraq war, supporting gay marriage, opposing DOMA, and all the other progressive stances he took literal decades before Clinton found the politically expedient to believe in...

I find it exceeding strange that Planned Parenthood felt a need to endorse Clinton when Sanders has just as powerful a record in favor of reproductive rights. What actual reasons could have been behind that decision besides deciding to play politics, much as the Democratic party has decided to do in general this

Suure you don’t.


No. Being proud of her own success - at her career and at not getting pregnant - is not an implied criticism of other women.