
“The internet can and will make you fat, as does justice.”

I always find it hilarious when MRAs find women “unfuckable” while also being involuntarily celibate.

I thought it was ‘fuck the world’ for a long time and so used it at completely inappropriate times.

Netflix and chill is what my husband and I do two to three times a week. It's amusing to me that old married couple behavior is suddenly cool or hip. Well, it more like PBS and chill at our ages.

Why does sour cream go bad right after opening it?! What is the point of buying a whole tub if you can only use it once. No reason for being is right...

Black naturalistas have been doing the co-wash for years (washing with conditioner) and it actually is really good for our hair. Maybe it depend on the texture?

Perhaps I should have clarified: visual artist and body of work. Kahlo and Sherman are the two who come to mind who did/do use themselves as (for the most part) the sole subjects of their art, but Van Gogh is known just as much for Starry Night and his Sunflowers as his self-portraiture. Gauguin, Monet, Klee, Sargent,

It’s more of a commentary on the narcissism of many who post on Instagram. Very few great artists use(d) themselves as the sole subject of their work. Instagram promotes exhibitionism at the expense of intimacy: how many special moments are now paused so that someone can get a pic to post of it? Sorry, the thesis of

I really don’t see much room for commentary on women’s success here, though, accidental or otherwise. It’s more about how social media and presenting an idealized image of our lives has become so all-consuming.

Ah I see, you’re a minimalist, bland eater. Most people like variety in their diet and that will almost always include something full of HFCS these days. Want to eat a slice of regular bread from the grocery store? Yeah, the second ingredient is HFCS.

It’s in no way absurd to say that everyone who likes cake should eat a slice of cake sometimes.

If you’re not eating something because you don’t like it, then you’re absolutely not who she’s getting at in this article. Chill out, she wasn’t getting a dig at you.

That’s fine and dandy that you just don’t like sugar, (though I don’t think she’s being quite so literal with the cake thing), but I feel obligated to say that what the bathroom scale says is no indication of whether or not a person has an eating disorder. (I’m not saying that you do, of course, but that in general

Reading this felt like I’d just been handed the instruction manual to a device I’d never heard of, badly translated through six languages before landing on English.

Whereas, I think being poor made me unable to handle my finances because I didn’t know what it was like to have money. Even now, there are things I simply don’t understand or consider because they weren’t a part of my life growing up at all.

I’m white, but from a poor family, and it’s so odd seeing the difference with my boyfriend, who is from an upper middle class family. He’s 27 and still on his parent’s phone plan. They pay half of his car insurance, too. When he was younger, they paid his tuition, and paid his rent and living expenses for years. I’m

I read shit like paying for cell phones or wiring a couple hundred....and it boggles my mind. I would never even THINK of asking my parents for something like that unless I was literally penniless and on the street. And if I DID ask for it...I doubt they could do it because they don’t have any money either.

Being a lower middle class white millennial from a town in a county that ranks in the top 50 of wealthiest counties in America and seeing the shit my Facebook “friends” get away with drives me to madness. The jobless 20 something living out of mommy and daddies basement has no idea what a #struggle is.

Be gone with your tofurkey. We have no love for your kind. And don’t forget your rice “stuffing”. Hell, I’m a beaner and I can’t fathom how you’d justify such a transgression. Let me guess, you had fresh fruit for desert?

Not just consent, but basic communication. Combine a guy who thinks he’s supposed to make a move with a lack of education on how to talk about what he wants, she wants, they want, etc.- both of which are unbelievably common traits, especially when they’re young- and, yeah, most guys are capable of crossing some