
Yeah, and doing so in the name of protecting us from the Scary Threatening Transwoman. I’ve never been assaulted by a transwoman, or even felt threatened by one, I can’t say the same about cis-men. They are the ones we need protection from and yet here they are invading our bathrooms. It blows my mind that they don’t

I had a hard time with Insteads. The ring is much bigger and stiffer than a Diva and it was uncomfortable. I couldn't insert it high enough to make sex possible.

Was it a "Through Golden Windows" book?

I love it too. The plum one they have in the summer is awesome. And I use the plain unflavored kind in place of sour cream. It tastes exactly the same and I don't use enough sour cream to justify buying a whole tub of it.

My hair is basically The Worst— very fine, very dry, and very frizzy, with an ugly curl pattern. I was complaining about it to a coworker a couple years ago and she gave me a sample of Wen because she said it was the best thing she's ever used (for the record her hair is straight, thick, and frizz free) and she told

Yeesh. When my husband and I were dating less than a year, we spent Christmas at my house and then we went back to his place— an in-law apartment over his parents' garage. We were having sex for a while and he thought no one was around so he screamed "HELLOTAMPON YOUR PUSSY IS SO TIGHT" and then we heard his father

Same here. My mom worked in fast food and my dad was a retail manager but he took off when I was in the 8th grade. I actually saved money when I went to live with my boyfriend because his parents weren’t charging so much rent. But I felt like I was abandoning my mom and sister.

I don’t take pictures of my food either. But we bought a can of biscuits especially for mini sandwiches the day after. I spread one half with mayo and smooshed a bunch of leftover veggies (the best one was the sugary sweet potatoes but there were also turnips, carrots, and roasted squash) + some wild rice stuffing and

Variances in metabolism and even conditions like hypothyroid and PCOS don't account for the level of obesity we've got going on though. I wish people would focus a lot more on the social factors that influence calories in and out. I don't actually make a lot of money but I am married with no children so it's pretty

Wow, that poster needs a trophy for Most Condescending Internet Personality of all time. I kind of wish someone would troll her about how she only had a baby for social validation or something.

They didn't do anything because both of these people were over 100 years old and ready to quit. The guy's AGE was higher than his WEIGHT!!!

Fellow CNA here. I have encountered the rotting boob as well, but my favorite dinner table story is about the guy with rotten feet. Every now and then you would find a toe in his bed.

I said this in a reply to someone else, but who cares how it works when they get married? At that point they will be an adult capable of making their own decision about their name and it will not be your problem. It will likely not be much of a problem for them either.

I know someone who never changed her name and she had two kids; one got her last name and the other one got his. Every now and then one of the kids would get called the “wrong” last name at school and it wouldn't faze them; they answered to both. People act like the kid issue is the most complicated thing in the world

I got, “Why?? That's really weird. I've never heard of that before" from someone my age (30) when they found out my husband and I had different last names.

I'm the opposite! That stuff makes me want to slap someone.

I was at work one day and two of my coworkers and I were all in a room with an elderly patient who was loudly telling herself a story in a chanting tone of voice. My coworkers were totally absorbed in their conversation (about their kids' school) to the point of not hearing this old lady at all and I was sitting there

I'm a nursing home CNA and I identified with a lot of this article. We still get the "don't you care about the residents" card pulled on us a lot in order to justify administration's shitty treatment of us. And then you have random internet people saying that we are selfish and shouldn't be in this line of work if we

Someone needs to make and sell fancy-looking book jackets with titles like this so when someone asks, "whatcha reading?" you can just show them your book cover and it will say "Leave Me the Fuck Alone" or "Go Away" or something.

It's not just a man thing either. These shooters are almost always white middle class dudes, and usually young. Maybe they are just realizing that they are not special and the world doesn't owe them everything. The rest of us never even learned to expect in the first place so we don't lash out at others when it's not