
More hope!

I’m sure by “draining the swamp,” they meant “get rid of the remaining Democrats.”

I know some think it’s a bit comical that Trump is (predictably) reneging his promises to his moron supporters that he’ll hire outsiders and “drain the swamp,” but you have to remember that anyone who voted for him never actually gave a shit about that. Hence why they also reelected the vast majority of incumbents.

I wish I could take credit for this, but it was said by a friend: “Donald Trump may have drained the swamp, but he’s filling it with alligators.”

Remember, Hillary wasn’t liberal enough. Either we want the perfect candidate or just blow it all to hell, apparently.

So some dumb fuck hick racist judge from Alabama will now be cracking down on BLM for the next 4 years. What, was Roy Moore busy or something?

Klan members were “OK, until he learned that they smoked marijuana.”

There sure are a lot of old, white men at the bottom of the swamp.

Look, another ancient white man dredged from the bottom of the swamp!

Also, assuming this is this psych profile is even somewhat accurate, you don’t try to reason with a narcissist, or appeal to their better nature (they don’t have one). They have no interest in differentiating between positive and negative attention, so if you tell them a lot of people are frightened they hear ‘I’m doin

Where does the party go in a presidential election where their candidate is already coming out of this with a million more votes than her opponent in growing? Hopefully, not too far. And, anyone purposefully trying advocate for some huge shift is likely someone trying to re-fight a primary they couldn’t win because

i am angry at that line too.

White guys: Hillary Clinton sucked, that’s why we lost.

Going by what I’ve read, apparently the new direction is to throw any minority concern under the bus in favor of catering to the working class white voter. Abortion rights, BLM, trans rights, gay marriage-mere identity issues! Forget environmental concerns or the reality of globalization... forget being honest about

They start voting in every election—midterm elections, special elections, city council elections, proposition-only elections, bond-only elections, every election.

Holy shit these defeatist comments!! You people need to start putting your money where your mouth is. I am angry at this...people I love on here saying “heh like THAT will work”

This woman is the walking personification of the 53% and liberal feminists should be embarrassed at how they kissed her ass over the past year even after being warned by more level headed people.

Yeah, that’s the important thing to remember as her family is ripped apart: #NotAllWhitePeople

My FB feed is filled with the hot takes of white guys blaming the Democrats like that screaming British head video they keep posting. They sure showed us for fronting a woman candidate! (and white women share in this to our shame)

So we should just ignore the fact a federal agency director took the unprecedented step of interjecting himself a week before the election? It was a nonissue that he made into one and it worked. Her poll numbers plummeted after that. Same with the Russian hacks which conveniently helped Trump. But yeah, let’s ignore