The calls do have an effect though. They don’t like the public pressure. How those effects manifest has varied but they’re not useless.
The calls do have an effect though. They don’t like the public pressure. How those effects manifest has varied but they’re not useless.
Exactly I agree, pence is dangerous because he knows how to get things done, but at the same time he wasn’t elected, he isn’t exactly charismatic or likeable to common people and will not have that weird cult following that let’s him do whatever he wants. He will have to answer and there would be consequences. So it’s…
Pence, although evil to the core, is also boring. He’s a Q-Tip brought to life. The crazies won’t get the entertainment value Dump brought and wander off, so that might limit his scope a little.
Yes we did deserve him; we elected him twice. What we don’t deserve is Trump. (Ask the 66,000,000 voters who voted against his 63,000,000 - alas to no avail)
This was rough.
I think Obama is hitting on a lot of key points in this speech about the importance of participating in democracy.
Hookers? Don’t care.
Plz America not let titillation/LOL factor of prostitutes and golden showers distract and overtake from the treason and corruption kthnxbai.
I like the part where Comey refused to comment on pending investigations, just like he did with anything related to Hillary’s emails!
If this same shit were circulating about Hillary Clinton, trump would’ve claimed it as fact at a debate.
Christ. The golden shower is relatively tame compared to the seriousness of the allegations in the report.
ATTN Serious Thinkers,
Then you should definitely BLOW UP their phones and email inboxes with your expressions of extreme displeasure with their asshattery. I sometimes feel like I’m just screaming into the void here in true-blue Massachusetts, even though I appreciate the safety that my liberal bubble affords me. I do my duty and email my…
My senator (Sherrod Brown) has vowed to block Sessions. He’s sent out a handful of emails to his constituents.
Progressives in republican strongholds have more leverage than anyone, because representatives only care about constituents who can primary them. Call to demand a rigorous ethics review process for cabinet appointees in general, and call about specific picks who are categorically inappropriate for their file, such as…
If you’re going to contact Republicans, look up the zipcodes they represent for when their staffers ask. None of them one care what you think if they don’t think you can vote for them.
By doing things like this - putting people into power who have direct personal and monetary reasons to favor their own interests over those of our nation or our world in general, refusing to let their ties to foreign powers be revealed - and by continuing their campaign of blatant misinformation (so far beyond the…
I think it’s pretty much over. When the history books are written, Obama will be blamed because he was a rational, fair human being who didn’t 100% fix every fucking problem dropped in his lap which compelled stupid shitheads in the middle of the country to elect a president-elect who was so obviously corrupt, they…
“concerned that somebody with a platform like Meryl Streep’s is inciting people’s worst instincts.”