Venus is better than Mars, anyway.
Venus is better than Mars, anyway.
It is crazy that there are some parents who actually support this.
While it is true the world is safer than it has ever been, that does not mean the world is uniformly safer for everyone everywhere, as you acknowledged later in your post. This device is not designed with mass shootings in mind: it is designed for women who might be in distress. I was originally unenthusiastic about…
A lot of these devices are marketed in exactly that way: it’s for women to use discretely if they are being held by an attacker who has taken their phone, or if they will be in increased danger if a potential assailant sees them using their phone. That’s part of the reason many see these as placebo or band-aid…
Perhaps the author takes off her shoes at movie theatres, but during 9/11, people at the Pentagon ran so fast their shoes came off their feet. That detail has always stuck with me, and now I always wear shoes I can run in without them coming off on their own.
It looked to me in places - especially at the beginning - like he was really enjoying her ripping into Barr.
Some studies show Canada (single-payer) having longer wait times and higher infant mortality rates than Germany (multi-payer). However, I would still take Canada’s system over ours in a millisecond. I do not wish to let the perfect be the enemy of the good. I welcome any system that provides high-quality, universal…
Where did you get the idea I was shitting on other people’s suggestions? I may not be totally convinced that single-payer is the most perfect solution ever, but I still think it’s a pretty good solution, and I said so in the comment you just replied to.
I have no suggestions. I have some small doubts that single-payer is the optimal solution for our country, but not enough to prevent me from celebrating if it gets passed. Single-payer might not be the best possible solution of all solutions, but it’s still a pretty good one, and I don’t see much point in wasting time…
Pretty sure he's fine with that; he just doesn't want to pay child support.
“whats extra american? a sauce? or ajoke?”
“Republicans will never offer or propose anything so I’m not sure how this prevents a Democrat from just proposing something like France’s system?”
I believe the main problem with the ACA was that it tried so hard to accommodate insurance companies - but even so, it still improved healthcare access on average and slowed the increase of health insurance premiums for a while. However, Republicans tried to kill it, and nibbled pieces off of it, and refused to fully…
“Why not actually respond to criticism instead of claiming anyone who doesn’t support your plan just wants to kill people?”
“I didn’t see one rapey thing in my three years there and none of us would have put up with that.”
I have seen pasta straws used as a replacement for plastic straws, but pasta is rigid, and I think a flexible, fluid-resistant container is most desirable for disposing of dog poop. There are a variety of materials that might work ( but I…
He doesn’t have to strongly believe it, but I do think white supremacy, misogyny, and bigotry can bolster the ego of a narcissist by reinforcing the idea of their own importance (if that narcissist is a white, cis-het, able-bodied man). A narcissist may not be a fervent believer in an ideology that tells him he’s…
Beto will not sit at the kid's table. He will stand on it.
I’m curious to see if Beto swings his arms so wildly that he accidentally whacks another candidate in the head.