Eli Heina

I look forward to this tradition of “brilliant” men treating their collaborators like shit finally dying its overdue death. I don’t care if it supposedly brings out better performances, or if entertainment is meant to be a “tough industry. These are people helping you create something. Treat them with dignity or fuck

Key word there is “Twitter.”

If it gave me an arrow and even a warm or cold, I would be happy. In fact I think that would be an amazing improvement. The current systems doesn’t work, the near by feature can show a Pokemon that might not even be near by. You could be hunting a red haring.

I would like Pokevision to come back, but knowing Niantic made capturing pokemon a bitch now. Not interested in the game anymore.

Niantic is handling this thing terribly even with the response/reasoning they gave. Good luck gaining everyone’s trust when this is fixed....if it is

Did you try asking for a refund?

honestly even with ads they were probably still losing money. 50 million unique visitors isn’t cheap. That’s a lot of bandwidth and requests.

I was using it because it takes longer to open the app to check if there’s anything in my office/work than it did to run the browser to see first.

You are bad at both math and reading comprehension

Ideally, I’d like to open the ‘nearby pokemon’ tab, select one, and be given an arrow or cone in the general direction of it. The distance to target from the announcement trailer would be a bonus.

serving millions of page views to millions of daily users isnt cheap, they were probably spending easily hundreds of dollars a day for infrastructure to support all of those users

I’m disabled. Not having a tracker means that I can’t really play the game in a manner that’s feasible and fun. The three step system was fine and when it stopped working, I stopped playing, until I found Poke vision. Since it was shut down, I haven’t touched it. I simply cannot walk aimlessly for miles to run down

I don’t think Pokevision should have been allowed to continue operating in the long-term...but I think Niantic/Nintendo ABSOLUTELY should have turned a blind eye to the app until they fixed the functionality in their own goddamn game. I am 100% behind the developer of the app on this one.

Ingress was (is? I stopped playing a couple years ago) full of niantic folks communicating all the time on Google+. There were stories/arg/community events. Pictures often posted by niantic employees getting together with players and saying “What a great time we had meeting players from X. We did our best to turn it

The fact that this is so transparently false makes me suspicious of everything else in this press release. If you think so little of your consumers that you’d tell this obvious of a lie over something so trivial, what else are you lying about?

If they didn’t have one prepped for Pokemon Go then that’s hilariously sad.

It’s a bullshit excuse. The programmers aren’t usually the ones tweeting, it’s social media experts or community staff save for small indie developers, but this company makes 10 million a day now, if they don’t have a community manager they are a badly run company.

That is like 80% PR bullshit, 15% trying to pretend to be human and likable, and 5% useful information but not really.

“If you haven’t heard us Tweeting much it’s because we’ve been heads down working on the game. But we’ll do our best going forward to keep you posted on what’s going on.”

So...footstep tracking is coming back when it actually works?