I have never even heard of the FYI network (and now I’m mad that I have).
I have never even heard of the FYI network (and now I’m mad that I have).
i dont think he feels remorse, but i bet all his honors being stripped away pisses him off
Thank you for supplying me with ways to avoid being productive. My Facebook feed appreciates it.
riley curry is both an argument for and against having kids. how could you not want to be around that ball of energy and sunshine and joy and general awesome-ness all the time! but also, what if you have a boring kid that’s not riley curry? devo.
That one is pretty great, but I love “investifarted” because it is a typo that results in a ridiculously perfect description of lazy investigating. It’s definitely in the running for Best Ever, at least in my personal rankings.
Here is hoping the FBI can get to the truth. Because this stinks to high heaven.
Too little, too fucking late.
This is a tough one. I doubt when Kylie Jenner decided to wear a certain hair-do was she thinking “cultural appropriation”. More likely, she thought “I like this hairstyle.” She’s a 17 year old girl and acted as such - expressing herself and making childish comments. I agree with Amandla’s statements, but I don’t…
Wow. I’m more of an elopement/quick registry office type gal but this would seriously make me reconsider. If I weren’t single/broke/cat lady in waiting.
I am not.
And if I’m not ungreyed after I photoshopped an ibex for you people I just give the fuck up.
What?? No, it is way harder to be ghosted than to do the ghosting. The ghoster is in control of the scenario; the ghostee is in the ghoster’s (metaphoric) hands, running around wondering what the hell they did wrong when really the fault is that the ghoster does not know how to communicate clearly with someone or take…
I don’t care what this person is arguing for/against: I automatically disregard statements like this made with randomly capitalized words.
I mean, if people don’t want to vaccinate their kids, they don’t have to - this bill isn’t requiring compulsory vaccinations. You can still choose not to vaccinate your children so long as you home school them and keep them out of daycare, right? Seems fair to me. I would guess that many courts would view preventing…
There are no vaccine Police Your Health is Still between your Doctor behind Exam room doors
The rabbit hole goes so much deeper than that, Mr. Stair.
then you’ve got the seat martyrs all up in there who would rather take up valuable space then sit the fuck down
Why even bother reviewing this when you hate everything about Seth MacFarlane and his sense of humor?
I’m a total fucking Squee addict. I first got into the craze when I brought my kitten (now a 3yo Cat) home and heard his tiny squeaky mews, then I made the mistake of getting into the harder stuff - I let him gnaw on me with his tiny pointy teeth and kick my hand with his jellybean toes. As he got older I found my…
between the suffocating and the black eyes being stacked is not, well, all it’s cracked up to be.