In California, Gavin Newsom has introduced legislature to that effect. It’s brilliant.
In California, Gavin Newsom has introduced legislature to that effect. It’s brilliant.
Can we repeal McConnell’s turkey waddle?
Dear lord, do NOT make me agree with Lindsay Gramma. Although it’s not just young women that the stringent anti-choice stance turns away from the GOP. It’s everyone with a conscience and a functional brain.
Fiorina is such a stupid twat, she gives stupid twats a bad name.
Yeah, I really wanted to like Trevor Noah. I set my DVR to record TDS and watched the first few weeks of him hosting. Sadly, he’s just not funny to me and TDS, once almost required viewing, now sits unwatched in my queue.
I wonder if Kylie cares that Interview made her look twice her age and put her in a wheelchair. That wheelchair is like the cherry on the “we’re laughing AT you, not WITH you” cake.
It makes such perfect sense that this douchekazoo is leading the pack. Trump is the personification of an ugly American: loudly proclaiming that we’re the best, nothing is our fault, and taking no accountability for countless harmful lies told repeatedly to a public who not only doesn’t mind being blatantly lied to,…
Um, yeah... that’s gonna be problematic for you when you get arrested for evading your civic duty, because I’m pretty sure they’ll just dump you in a large holding cell with a bunch of people who you’re gonna WISH were just there for evading jury duty. If you have legitimate reasons not to serve, they’ll dismiss you,…
Well, Trump’s certainly not going to win if he keeps insisting on using hand gestures to describe the size of his penis.
Yeah, I bet all of their hearts just broke when the TLC money stopped flooding in. Hence, this new plot to part fools and their money.
I have two theories why they broke up.
Brain surgery must be WAY easier than we first thought, because if this moron can do it, so can any given Kardashian.
Perhaps I’m being a bit pollyanna about this, but I don’t think everyone with HIV is under indictment for reckless, irresponsible behavior - I think that CHARLIE SHEEN is. And in all probability, rightly so. This is one of those situations where you have to look beyond the surface and really acknowledge that some…
*SHOULDN’T. I don’t know why I couldn’t edit that.
I’ve heard rumors from credible sources that Louis CK has, on several occasions, trapped women inside his hotel room and forced them to watch him masturbate. Hence, I am rather conflicted about whether or not he should accept this invitation. On the one hand, Louie should validate someone who is essentially Ann…
Emphasize isn’t the word you wanted. Enunciate is the word you were looking for. Consonant emphasis sounds like REO Speedwagon’s “I can’t fight this feeling any longerrrrrrrrrrr.”
Why do these fools keep insisting that Syria is the US’s enemy? That just smacks of a “we just don’t trust those brown folks from.. y’know.. that general area” mentality. Kinda not cool.
The blow from this sad news is softened by the cover shot of Norman Reedus. Meee-ow!
It wasn’t not funny, Tony!
I’d go for the obvious: Lily Allen’s Fuck You. NIN’s Head Like A Hole is pretty good too.