
Am I the only person who’s ever been a tad bothered by the lyric “I bet you think this song is about you?” BECAUSE THE SONG IS ABOUT HIM!!

Not standing for the pledge of allegiance makes her a villian? Maybe she’s an atheist and isn’t into saying “under god.” Or maybe she saw how hypocritical it was to be pledging allegiance to her country and also be at a Trump rally, since Trump thinks America is stupid and crippled. I saw Johari interviewed and it

LOL. You just keep tellin’ yourself that, and that Ben Carson isn’t a complete lunatic. Enjoy your grain storage vessels in Egypt!

Not at all. If you’re at all like me, you don’t give things like “why is an office supply store named Staples?” much more than a cursory thought, if that. Because.. why would I. More importantly, why would anyone??

I have a theory that Cosby got a new freckle or mole on his face for every woman he raped. I mean, just look at him.

Well said!

Why can’t people mind their own damn business? Johari wasn’t being disruptive in any way. If the dumbass couple behind her wanted to hang on every moronic word, they still could. In fact, they were guilty of the same offense of not paying attention because they were too busy trying to tell Johari what to do. But she’s

I think that would actually be the perfect protest at ANY Republican candidate’s rally. What better way to stand up against the anti-intellectual, proud willful ignorance of the GOP than to quietly sit there fortifying your intellect.

Sure. The minute Bernie or Hillary bully protesters or say xenophobic, racist garbage, feel free to whip our your copy of Atlas Shrugged. Just don’t expect to do much reading.


If they were going for something short and descriptive, how about Zzz for Carson and for Trump, CEO (which stands for Comb Everything Over)?

“Obama’s a gay! I knew it! I always knew it! The big, pussy sores were a dead giveaway that he was either gay or from Kenya.” - Kevin Swanson

I think the real value in the painting is the fact that the subject’s pubes are askew. Or maybe that was the fashion back then. Either way, Pubes Askew is the name of my new band.

Totally agree. As much as I enjoy PRW, I don’t need 90 minutes of it every week. Especially not 90 sub-par minutes of contestants having to sacrifice creativity in favor of meeting an arbitrary deadline. I can get that at my job every day, I don’t need it to be a reality show.

A-freakin-men! This was originally a show about talent and creativity, but now it’s a time management competition. I get that the competition requires some time constraints, but I think this last season really makes the case for bringing back the creative competition, as opposed to the race to the runway that it’s

Girl Scout cookies make you gay? Is it possible that they’re confusing being gay with being fat?

Put glasses, a goatee and a hat on this fucker and it’s Heisenberg.

Of the growing list of lies Ben Carson has told, one would think that stabbing a kid would be on the bottom of the list he goes out of his way to prove to be true. Now, if he shanks or clobbers Trump with a hammer at the next debate, then we’re talkin’.

As long as he really did attack his mom with a hammer, he still gets my vote.