Putting a monetary value on organs.. what could possibly go wrong?
Putting a monetary value on organs.. what could possibly go wrong?
I really liked Fear. I especially liked the end-of-season special in which participants from several episodes discussed the residual psychological trauma they experienced following their ghost-hunting excursions. There’s an old, abandoned hot dog stand in Temescal that reminds me of the Fear episode filmed in the…
How could Eclipse NOT be the bomb.com? Written by Michonne, starring Lupita. That’s just lightning in a bottle right there.
All she needs to do is leave a trail of chocolate pudding that leads directly to her house and voila! Carl.
Y’know what? It’s been easier than I’ve ever imagined to quit NBC. There’s literally not one thing I miss. Even Brian Williams is over on MSNBC now (which I realize is still NBC, but I figure it’s NBC kinda once-removed). If this were the 90’s and Friends and Seinfeld were on the line, it’d be a whole different story.…
I don’t know what to be more terrified of: Carol’s cookies or Jessie’s haircuts.
Did you just admit to wearing Depends? (Sorry.. I’m 8 years old)
Jesus. Settle down, China.
Yeah, but “I once won a contest where I got to spend the night in the Paris catacombs and some rando showed up and played the theremin for us” is an equally rad story, IMO. :)
How desperate are they? Can’t they just take out a billboard with their stupid faces on it and PAY ATTENTION TO US on it and just be done with this already? Because it’s gotten sad how much these two need to be on television. Like, need. Or else they don’t feel alive or something. It’s a sickness.
I want to go to this so much it aches.
I’m not questioning the veracity of the story, but I am having a heck of a time picturing how a “nearby gravestone” could fall on someone & pin them down. Just how “nearby” could another plot have been? How was it able to topple ONTO her? Are we talking about a gravestone that was on the ground, or one of those wall…
Probably, but it’s a rent controlled apartment in San Francisco that I’ve lived in for nearly two decades. Moving out would present a whole new set of problems, mostly financial ones. Also, this all happened between 2004 - 2008. I’m pretty well over it now, except for the occasional fleeting memory that leads to “I…
They’re all upset because they erroneously think their tax dollars are funding something they vehemently disagree with, while I’m livid that I correctly realize that my tax dollars are funding this bullshit witch hunt. This ongoing attack on Planned Parenthood is the GOP’s thinly veiled way of saying that women aren’t…
Jesus, Trump can’t even get the joke right. It was Rick Perry who was sweating when he announced he was running for POTUS. Rubio is the one who got all thirsty during his rebuttal to the State of the Union speech a few years ago and kept edging toward the bottled water until he had to grab one and drink.
Maybe if all abortions were performed with a gun, the GOP would find them to be more acceptable. Then, whenever they heard about another unwanted pregnancy being terminated they can just shrug and say, “What’re ya gonna do? Stuff happens.”
I had a roommate who, against all odds, became one of my closest friends during the 2 years we lived together (I’m super hermity at home and tend to not want to befriend the people I rent rooms to - better to keep it amicably businesslike, I’ve found). Even though I saw her deliberately avoid other friends of hers for…
But she’s not upset with McGregor. She just wants to know if it was always a scam.
Well, all wrong, all wrong, all wrooooong!