Hell, I coulda told you almond milk was bullshit without ever going to the Almond Breeze website.
Hell, I coulda told you almond milk was bullshit without ever going to the Almond Breeze website.
As is all-too-frequent in these cases, pretty on the outside, hideous on the inside. Like a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup full of maggots.
Oh, I think he cares quite a bit that his life’s work has now all been reduced to “once legendary comedian, now well-known serial rapist Bill Cosby.” He thought he’d go to his grave a hero, but instead he’s going to slither away in utter shame for his sick fetish and rank hypocrisy. Imagine: he spent over half a…
Ooh! I hope she’ll be doling out marriage advice! She’s just as qualified to do that as she is to have her own talk show, so why not, right?
North isn’t special. I had a personal trainer when I was her age, too. It was called “the park.” I would run and play until I was too exhausted to protest when naptime came.
Riley Curry for President!!! I DARE Donald Trump to find fault with her. She could crush him without even having to do the whole nae-nae. Riley would squish Trump with a mere ‘nae.’
It was just.. picturing young Anne Frank trapped in that tiny attic with all those cows that I could never get past. But yeah, investifarted ranks up among the greats.
Seriously? A little depression and PTSD is pretty much descriptive of any living adult.
Okay, that’s a good typo, but the best ever? I don’t know. I once saw in a program for a play that the lead actor had previously starred in a production of “The Dairy of Anne Frank.” I saw that typo more than 15 years ago and it still slays me.
This bums me out. Someone needs to stop Flabby Lee Miller from abusing her students. Of course, the moms on the show are all batshit loony, but I would be hard-pressed to find a worse example of a teacher on television or anywhere else. They should change the name of this show to White Trash Dance Manatee and be done…
Not tacos. Ice cream. You always see Vivi cramming ice cream into her face while her mom sits there and badmouths everyone, thus teaching her adopted daughter how to grow up into a C U Next Tuesday just like her mommy. (Don’t get me wrong, I think ALL of these dance mom bitches are on the schedule to be seen next…
Why is it not okay to call a teenager a jackhole if said teenager is, in fact, being a jackhole? Does this teenager who publicly railed against another teenager for “appropriating black culture” also go on similar tirades against black female celebrities who straighten their hair for “appropriating white culture?”
I liked True Detective so much more when time was a flat circle.
Finally, Whoopi came down hard on Cosby, essentially arguing that had she known he realistically won’t go to court for his alleged crimes, she would have felt differently about him.
Amandla is friends with Jaden Smith. This must mean she has an extrordinarily high tolerance for pretentiousness. I can’t fathom how tedious going to the prom with him must have been. She’s trying to get him to slow dance, but all he wants to do is run around the gym in his weird-ass Batman outfit and barf out his…
In the photo above, Amandla has grey hair. Should elderly people go on a shaming campaign against her because she’s “appropriated” their natural look?
The photo is my favorite thing about this story. It’s like she’s saying, “What? There was traffic. What else was I gonna do?”
Finally, a moral challenge to the Ricktatorship! I can’t wait!
He seems to be willing to portray any character - except Jimmy the gimp (again.) :(
I’m gonna save up and get that dress so I can marry my cats.