
I don’t particularly care why Rancid left E!. Just as long as she’s gone. Although all of the E! correspondants are suffocatingly self-important, Rancid is the worst. Why she was ever picked to be on Fashion Police is a total mystery. She’s not qualified on any level to be judging other people’s clothes.

This kid is a Class A douche. He was at the theater with his parents and they didn’t stop him from climbing onto the stage?? WTF is wrong with them?

Kudos, Kanye. You’ve managed to make your lovely plastic wife look muffin-toppy, cheap and weirdly-upwardly-pointed tittied. Not cute.

Who made this loon a judge? It’s bad enough that we have to deal with stupid people in our daily lives, but to give an idiot like this woman a judgeship is pure lunacy. Stupid people aren’t just annoying - they’re dangerous.

The people who so fervently support Trumpo the clown are the same backwoods, cousin-humpers who thought Sarah Palin was the greatest thing since sliced bread - and now we all pretty much agree that the only relation Sarah Palin has to sliced bread is that both possess the same IQ.

Awww... poor diddums can’t bring his bigotry to work anymore under the guise of “because Jesus.” Heartbreaking.

It’s almost comical to watch. Trump is like a bull in the GOP china shop, just knocking shit over and causing delicate items that they’ve quietly tried to maintain for decades (like the subtext of racism and anti-poor rhetoric/policies) to come crashing down in a giant messy heap that has gotten everyone’s attention.

I heard one pundit or another state what I think is precisely the GOP’s problem with Trump: he’s the dummy who actually articulates the subtext of GOP policies. While more artful politicians barely get noticed when they say “We need stronger borders and more enforcement there,” (because, duh) Trump says what those

If Paris was paid millions to do 5 minutes of bad acting, that breaks the record set by Keanu Reeves, who was paid an exorbitant amount for his 7 minutes of bad acting in Much Ado About Nothing.

And we should listen to Jim Carrey... why?

Not half as hard as it is for Tom Cruise.

Oh, they should all do it in a full tub! Drowning themselves for a futile and fucked-up cause is the perfect tribute to their “heritage.”

You guys don’t have Fox News AND you do have easily accessible poutine at all times? Fuck it, I’m renouncing my US citizenship, moving north and going on an all-maple-based diet.

I have both ghosted and been... ghostee’d. Being ghosted is the WORST. When there has been no incident, no argument, nothing to look to for the reason why a person with whom you were in a relationship suddenly refuses to acknowledge your attempts to contact them, you are left to imagine scenarios in your head.

Goddamn you, Jezebel! Quit making me like Iggy Azalea!

Gosh, I lurve it when some self-righteous Jesus freak whips him/herself into an hysterical frenzy because they don’t understand the world around them. Jesus will be mad! God hates NBC, which, don’tcha know, is secret code for “Never Believed in Christ.”

Ooh.. look out NBC.. you don’t want to anger the Trump. He will shake his fist at you and call you a loser! The he’ll make hyperbolic threats to serve you with “the biggest, most gold-plated, classiest lawsuit of all time” (Oh no! If Trump thinks you’re a loser, you’re in just terrible company! Rosie O’Donnell, Obama,

You missed one option: Trump is going to sue NBC and it will be the biggest, classiest, most beautiful lawsuit that America has ever seen.

Yeah, I don’t feel bad for her at ALL. Maybe she was “denied birth control by her parents” the first time she got knocked up, but she still managed to go against her parents’ wishes and have sex, so it’s not as though she was so indoctrinated by her parent’s wacky beliefs that she didn’t have a mind of her own and

Trump’s real Twitter account is Donald J. Trump. “RealDonaldTrump” is an unverified spoof account. Lots of outlets are making that mistake today. I don’t want Trump to be able to be vindicated later by calling y’all stupid for dogpiling onto a Twitter account that isn’t his.