Y’might wanna correct this:
Y’might wanna correct this:
If successful, Paul will officially graduate from “dick” (just a dick) to “tool’ (still a dick, but at least one use for him has been found).
Strangely enough, I knew about Tippi and her humanitarian work with Vietnamese women years ago because the lovely woman who used to do my mom’s nails (Me Soon was her name) was one of the refugees from Vietnam who was helped by Tippi. Little known fact: Tippi stayed in touch with the women she helped and continued to…
It will be called Hole Foods. All of the merchandise will be stale, old Whole Foods stock that has been gnawed on by rodents.
Am I the only one who noticed how out of place Don seems to be in the big cities (New York/LA) still all ensconced in his 1950’s style & mentality? Even the car was a throwback to Don’s heyday. It felt like he needed to spend some time in a backwards, podunk little town in middle America to remember where he came from…
Ew, no. I am of a certain age and I remember Growing Pains well enough to know that Robin Thicke looks exactly like his dad. And Mr. Seaver is a definite ix-nay.
“Don’t judge me before you know me.
Heh... hey you guys, remember when Madonna saying something kinda bitchy was fun and edgy?
That was not my experience in San Francisco in the late 90s. I was going through a bad breakup and was despondent enough to have told my therapist that I’d bought some over-the-counter sleeping pills in case I decided to try to deploy my exit strategy (in retrospect, it was a terrible exit strategy, as Sominex ain’t…
Those pics are SO Janet Jackson circa Rhythm Nation, it’s not even funny.
Yeah, SOOOOPER not okay. And I despise belligerent drunk chicks with the intensity of 1,000 white-hot suns. No matter what she said to the cops, she was not posing any kind of threat to anyone when she got slammed to the floor face-first. She could barely stand up, she was so wasted. Why on earth she wasn’t just…
I was thinking that it would then also theoretically be possible for a woman with that condition to already have an embryo/fetus gestating in one uterus and get pregnant again while already pregnant. Siblings could be born just a few months apart. How crazy is that?
100% agreed. Do you know what happens when the cops are called to deal with a suicidal person? The person gets handcuffed and taken to the psych ward of their local public hospital. In order to get out of the hospital, the person needs to demonstrate rationality and swear up and down that they have no intention of…
Thank you for the clarification. So theoretically, women with this condition could be pregnant by 2 different men at the same time, gestate each fetus in a separate uterus and have 2 births?
I’m pretty sure I’m thinking of the vagina - the orifice. I have one, so this is not unfamiliar territory. Although I only have one, so it’s also a little bit of an unfamiliar territory.
“Most vaginas are one large cavity but this is a complete separation into two different cavities. I was shocked and the doctor explained to me that it was like an upside nose,”
What is this woman’s age and how is possible that she’s only recently discovered that she has two vaginas? I get that not every little girl is curious enough to sit naked in front of a full length mirror to check out what they’ve got goin’ on, but presumably someone has had occasion to see her ladyparts up close…
Can I be his second wife?
So this potato chip/Wonder bread sammich is okay?
Don’t ruin this heartwarming story with math. Just let the feeling that not all of humanity is shit-stained wash over you.