
Yeah, when you look into her story a bit further, she definitely doesn’t come off as the most mentally stable gal, does she? Nevertheless, I got a great big guffaw or two out of her brief (don’t be fooled by all that online template stuff, btw. Formatting legal briefs is much harder than it appears - there are all

Thank you. It’s so rare to get compliments from a stranger online. Especially for an uppity broad like me. :)

Thank you for the kind words. I don’t discuss anything with my sister, as she’s the poster child for pearl-clutchy freakouts and I just can’t.

Sovereigns are essentially fundamentalist extreme Libertarians.

I have an even crunchier situation going on. My mom recently had to be put in board care because her condition (she’s had several mini-strokes and is no longer coherent) became too serious for my dad to deal with on his own. My dad is still a vibrant, relatively healthy guy. He stayed with and cared for my mom for

What you call “Sovereign Citizen rhetoric,” Rand Paul calls “Libertarian principles.” Some of those beliefs are laughably asinine and some are pretty spot-on.

Where did you see that? The judge’s ruling that I read said it was dismissed because she supposedly hadn’t sufficiently argued her position.

It depends on how you look at things. The theories she proffers aren’t hers, they’re part of the Libertarian manifesto - some of which is, yes, straight outta crazytown - but some of it makes so much sense that one has to question why the entire country is going along with such ridiculous Federal mandates.

I’m not a big Rihanna fan, but damn, she was great the last time she was on SNL. Girl can sing. Unlike Taylor Swift, who sounded like the rank amateur that she truly is, live. I’m excited about a Louis CK/Rihanna show. It may be the only time I watch this season of SNL.

She was doing SO well until she mistook “weary” for “wary.” That bummed me out because jackholes like the judge she was addressing will latch onto some small, insignificant detail like that and see it as just cause for dismissing her entirely. And that’s a shame because having recently dealt with a shitty judge who

Is there anything more unattractive than disingenuous kindredship? If Kim wanted to really help people suffering from mental illness, she would donate time or money to that cause. Instead, she’s using other people’s pain as a platform for more self-promotion and it’s beyond distasteful. I honestly didn’t think it was

Farewell, already-tenuous grip on sanity.

Right. It’s not like they were going to perform a roadside autopsy. This was clearly just ghoulish misconduct.

Okay, I followed all the links and read what was published about this story, but I have yet to see any sort of explanation for undressing Mejia’s body at the accident scene. In fact, I’ve never heard of such a procedure - car accident victims being laid out naked on a tarp on the side of the road? What the actual

This spectacular failure pleases me, if only on a purely schadenfreude level.

“designer” pot targeted to women that runs for $700 an ounce and comes wrapped in gold foil

Which of the Seven Seals gets broken when a delusional imbecile marries a man who literally everyone can tell (except, ostensibly, her) is gay, gay, ssssssuper gay?

People are awful beasts. It’s not enough that this young man was shot down in the street like an animal - someone felt the need to assassinate his memory, as well. Unconscionable.

Assholish children learn their assholishness from somewhere.

I can’t say I consider these items “news,” as much as I consider them validation of what I could already pretty much tell about her. I could also tell from her Twitter apology that the only thing she’s actually sorry about is that now everyone knows what snatch she is.