Branden Forcements

This is not a surprise given that Pitt and Cornell were very good friends. Didn’t Pitt take Cornell’s kids to the theme park (or something along these lines) shortly after the singer’s death?

-YouTube Premium

The internet was a mistake


What a cool story

This is not the scandal we need; this is the scandal we deserve

Neil degrasse tyson, I presume

GMG job offer to MR in 3...2...1....


This is a magnitude 10 event on the OCPOS (Oberlin Cafeteria Protest Outrage Scale). Truly epic.

Paul Blest was terminally triggered today because Tim Kaine (whom I don’t even like BTW) answered a question on whether he ever wore blackface with a clear NO. Somehow the answer fell short of whatever was going through Paul’s mind.

The racebaiting nonsense appears to have come back with a vengeance to GMG - ugh

I guess that means Fucker Carlson is giving her a promotion?

Look, this is all about Disney’s most valuable demographics: alt-right Twitter rapists

Tim Kaine: “I have never worn blackface.”

IMO he is looking like a stroke waiting to happen - even more so than he did right after he was elected....puffier, orange-er, more bloated, and more confused by the day. To put it differently, “longevity” is not the word that comes to mind when I see him

white Latinx people: Cacá Diegues directed the 1976 film, while Walcyr Carrasco and Walter Avancini, respectively, wrote and directed the telenovela.

I’m not going to “call for mileage” and I’m not buying your car

How does it compare to the story told in the book?

“I’m Still Here Too”, starring Brad Cooper