Branden Forcements

If only they had some way of informing people of new shows. 

I am surprised and disappointed. The Cleveland Show was just terrible (I watched every episode of it, thinking this has to be funny eventually.), and it still made it to three seasons on Seth MacFarlane’s name alone. I had really hoped/believed that Raphael Bob-Waksberg had the same kind of relationship with his

It’s a Netflix produced show.  If no one had heard of it, that’s on Netflix.

I have the same question too. I feel like Netflix’s shows used to be stuff that normal networks might not take a risk on, but now it’s just “anything that isn’t Stranger Things-level ubiquitous is getting canceled”.

I mean, could you imagine if they had canceled Bojack after 1 season? It had neither the viewers nor the critical success in season 1.

Cancelling a critically acclaimed show with a vocal fanbase after one season... Netflix really is like a real TV network now!

Netflix is sorta losing its identity now. Do they want only instant hit shows? Do they want critical acclaim? What will they have to offer when Disney and Warner show up to the party?

That’s just because they don’t have Vincent D’Onofrio playing Varisco and randomly sniffing things.

Rispoli and Varisco is my least favourite USA Network crime procedural.

I was very psyched that part of Julien Castro’s upgraded and modernized police Use of Force proposal includes a nationwide “Do Not Hire” registry of disgraced officers. This way, most of them would have to take different jobs, and if the Border Patrol or a private security company (I don’t even know how we got into

I don't want to alarm you, but there appears to be some sort of muppet in the back of your truck.

I think the $60 price has nothing to do with the video game industry and far more to do with the US economy as a whole. Wages in the US have stagnated for decades and disposable income has never been less. Video games have to sell for $60 if they raise their price they will sell far fewer copies when the games launch

I’m with you. If vanilla Assassin’s Creed Odyssey had half the content I don’t think anyone would complain. After a certain point putting in all those teensy tiny extra missions and contracts isn’t any different from games artificially increasing the need to grind in the bad old days.

With the season pass, I spent $90 on AC Odyssey. Same for FFXV and The Witcher 3. For the amount of content in each of them, I have no regrets. That said, anything that pushes beyond the $60 limit better well not try to still include freemium BS or paid skins or whatever else on top of it

If any game deserved to be priced at $80, it was The Witcher 3, and yet they still made a shit ton of money at the $60 price point. The $59.99 price tag is not the problem. The insane salaries of these CEOs and the demands of stockholders is. Bobby Kotick is the devil of the games industry, but he’s hardly alone in

I really wasn't expecting all the penetration scenes.


I really wasn't expecting all the penetration scenes.

