Never go full retard
Never go full retard
You most likely missed the best scenes: Loki’s 2nd death (in the movie) and the secret Matt Damon cameo.
Why not add some extra padding, break it in two movies, and make a cool extra few billions?
This is the racial equivalent to “enhanced interrogation”. Good lord the NYT sucks
I’m not an american here so I apologize if the question sounds offensive, but would blackface in the early 80's have raised that many eyebrows (at least among whites, of course) ? Didn’t Ted Danson attend the roast of Whoopie Goldberg - in the early 90s - wearing blackface? I’m not excusing the behavior but is…
Don’t forget the garbage rear touch screen.
I love my Vita, but IMO Sony made a big mistake by hoehorning that puzzling, atrocious, unusable rear touch-screen instead of actual L2 and R2 buttons (which would’ve made the Vita an unstoppable device for console ports). Oh well...
I haven’t watched MF in many many years, so I was shocked to see how much older the kids look in the group photo (plus random new kid)
It’s all over the article, Dmitri.
The one good thing RS has is Matt Taibbi
I think outrage at this might be a touch overblown.
remake????! fuck this. Give me aged Snake Plissken - Logan-style - or GTFOH
Hi Tomato, how’s you mum doing with that brand new bag of dildos?
Go away Tomato
Hot Poo-kits?
Thanks, Tomato
Yawn - wake me up when Turd Jr. likes a non-questionable tweet
Everyone should understand that our governor
AndrewAmazon Cuomo and our saintly progressive mayor Bill de Blasio
2ucide 2quad: 2 Suicide 2 Squad
Yeah but does that have the highly sought-after Twitter alt-right rapist seal of approval?