Branden Forcements

Go away Tomato

Hot Poo-kits?

Thanks, Tomato

Yawn - wake me up when Turd Jr. likes a non-questionable tweet

Everyone should understand that our governor Andrew Amazon Cuomo and our saintly progressive mayor Bill de Blasio

2ucide 2quad: 2 Suicide 2 Squad

Yeah but does that have the highly sought-after Twitter alt-right rapist seal of approval?

Good lord the site redesign sucks


How about ensuring that election days always land on weekends?

Yep - that’s the one!

One near my house said”Your wife is hot. Fix your AC”


Heh you couldn’t have picked a worse picture of JG if you tried.

Chances are that the people criticizing Blue Ivy’s hair are yet to put out a statement on Orange Hitler’s luxurious mane.

This article registered a full 9 out of 10 in the Oberlin College Cafeteria Protest Outrage Scale (OCCPOS). Someone is getting a bonus this year!

I dunno. Maguire seems like the unbearable type studios are willing to put up with for as long as he is bringing in the money. Kinda like Edward Norton

And Jamal is black! It is quite remarkable that he made out of this one alive!

That’s the face of someone who’s about to soil his pants bigtime.

Did Tobey Maguire asshole’d himself out of his lucrative career? He’s been AWOL for a while at this point.