
I really hope you don't think that you have to make it work with this man to justify breaking up with your previous long term bf. You deserve better.

It's not so much about "being cool to rub shoulders with white women" as it is cool to make money by choosing an artist that will bring in all the white teens. I think Miley is going to be Pharrell's Justin Bieber.

It's important to support grass roots rescue groups and shelters that actually work with them. The biggest problem is shelters that DON'T let outside rescues take animals off their hands. Many shelters think that euthanizing is the only solution, and don't want to even try to raise their adoption numbers.

I just wanted to add a clarification that "No Kill" does not mean that all animals are not ever euthanised. Some private shelters do work on that model, and they tend to not be open admission and only take the "pretty" animals. They also tend to have more difficult adoption rules, making it harder for animals to be

I thought you said "green tea icecream", and I was going to have to severely disagree because that shiz is delicious.

I honestly don't know enough about her to agree or disagree. It could certainly be that "Born this Way" is the one song we can point to her doing it "right" when she might not be as good in the rest of her life.

"No matter gay, straight or bi

This essay does not dispute that the word eventually turned into a slur. It just says it didn't start out as one. Words evolve, and redskin could be reappropriated. Whether a majority of Native Americans (not some fake "Chief") say that redskin is not offensive today and to them is the opinion that matters, not

I just had someone else ask me "What if someone called me 'white guy', isn't that the same thing?"

The problem with your "white guy" analogy is that "white guys" have usually been at the top of the power pyramid when it comes to racial struggles. You have privilege that other minorities do not simply by being white. If you deny that, then I can't debate with you.

Reclaimed words have to be reclaimed by the people they were used against, not by rich white people running a football team. This is why they are looking for Indians to say that it's ok to use that word. Instead, they found some poser who pretended to be an Indiana and made the whole franchise look even worse. What

Any racial nickname that comes from skin color tends to be racist, yes.

Agree. Most of the lawns in my apartment complex are littered with tiny rabbit turd-balls. I pick up my dog's business, but if it's in a field that's covered in goose poop, what's the difference?

My husband and I got hitched for two reasons other than the classic ones of being together and all that jazz: tax breaks and healthcare. If wanting to be on my husband's healthcare makes me a bad feminist, then so be it.

Hells yeah!

Not really, no. But, I'm intrigued to see why you think it is.

I honestly don't get why both sides are being so defensive.

I really liked that there was a link to a video against the breeding of white tigers right at the end of this one.

Cats can pant after a good spot of rough and tumble playing. It shouldn't last very long, but it definitely does happen.

My husband works in Broomfield!! When we first moved here, he chose in between LoDo and Five Points because he had just relocated from Manhattan. After a year of 45 to 60 minute commutes and not enough time really enjoying the "city" life, we moved to Northglenn, which is 15 minutes north of downtown. It's an easy