
Her best bits have been where she’s trying hard but is just utterly clueless to the situation - those sketches where she was trying to role-play with her boyfriend are hilarious. Her imitations are pretty good too.

Not used enough but with approximately 40 cast members, not a surprise.

Adele seems like she would be a lot of fun in person, maybe at a happy hour grazing on celery sticks or whatever diet food she’s been on.

That snort in her laugh is contagious (wait, probably wrong word for 2020).

Hello nurse!

We’re Animaniacs...we have pay-or-play contracts...plus we really need Hamton and Plucky Duck doing “Istanbul”. Now, please.

A modern emperor-has-no-clothes female persona, but showed at the end of the third episode she’s still the Stormfront from the comic books.

I kind of wish they had kept the longevity angle from the books; a Nazi Who Was There At The Time rolling their eyes in disgust at the modern LARP wanna-bes and muttering the

A “resource officer” is just a cop assigned to a school, right? Are they considered “on-duty” in a police sense or more of a special assignment?

How. Funcking. Stupid. are people?

Wait...don’t answer that. Sigh. My misanthropy doesn’t need any encouragement right now.

Children of Men is a wonderfully pragmatic movie, and its final sequence does a pretty good job of stripping away all of the glory of war to how Making X Great Again actually works, plus the civilians who are always being ripped to pieces by house-to-house fighting.

A mod you’ll never see for Call of Duty or

I’ll quote Furious Styles -

Not really - look at (not just) Michigan. Security guard was shot in the head for asking someone to put on a mask to enter a Dollar Store and gun-wielding militia rushed the State legislature and carried guns onto the house floor (but they were white, so the leaders of the legislature knew they were cool).

Jules Winnfield may have had a point. That was NOT one charming pig.

because we care about you:

It’s nice to see the entire Lifehacker staff live, but Alice Bradley is the next-door neighbor America needs.

The googly eyes on the VR headset is a nice touch.

Picasa is finally dead to Mac. Previous to Catalina it would run and complain, now it won’t run at all.

It’s interesting how this story also has ads for “sexy” Halloween costumes.

Nothing to do with your article or reporting, but maybe ask your ad department to check the keywording on articles.

He’s the My Turn candidate, just like Hillary Clinton, Bob Dole, John McCain, John Kerry and all of the candidates who have seen President as a promotion they had worked very hard for and were somehow owed. And they all lost.

Nope. Democrats vote for hope (which in our culture means youth and charisma), Republicans go

I know most NFL players are not like this guy and for every guy like this there are 20 NFL players who are decent guys working their asses off and breaking their bodies so some fat dipshit can scream at them how to block.

CNN did more to elect Trump with its nonstop free press coverage than the white-right ever did. Not that anyone’s a hero there.

How do they get these dogs to look at the camera?

We don’t have to ask that question any longer- can download it from GitHub.