
Thanks for the link to Quick and Dirty Tips - I’d forgotten about what great podcasts Grammar Girl and her adjective crew (Savvy Psychologist, Nutty Neurologist, Super-Excited Teacher, Merry Mechanic, etc) have laid down.

For anyone who hasn’t checked them out - there’s a ton of stuff for your listening pleasure and

The principal thing I learned from this video is that Alice Bradley is really charming.

Is this The White Plague by Frank Herbert? Because it sounds like The White Plague. Which was a novel that definitely had words and pages and a whooooooole lot of descriptions of Ireland as a very very very very very green place and made me never want to read another Frank Herbert novel.

Three keys to wearing clothes well - be tall, thin and thirty.

Three keys to wearing clothes well - be tall, thin and thirty.

Because if they talked that way to strangers’ kids they would get punched in the face. which they should anyway. 

A reminder that the Coast Guard is a branch of the US military and they go up against criminals who are armed with the best tools US drug users can buy for them.

Tell everyone’s right-wing aunt to save a JESUS WANTS YOU TO LIKE AND SHARE for those men and women who jump on to moving submarines in the middle of the

Could she really do that after that kind of a weight cut, though, which I’m sure involved starvation/stomach shrinkage? Wouldn’t most of that just come right back up or put her into a devastating crash/food coma?

To roughly convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit, multiply by 2 and add 30. From Fahrenheit to Celsius, subtract 30 and divide by 2. (To more precisely convert C to F, multiply by 1.8 and add 32.)

I was curious about Heaven’s Gate and watched it recently. It wasn’t actually a -bad- movie, at least not what you see on the screen, aside from being really depressing and about thirty minutes too long.

Kris Kristofferson was always way too closed off to be leading man material but he worked in the ‘70s anti-hero

The “win a dream date with a rock critic” bit from Conan O’Brien’s show does not seem to be on YouTube, but it is what I think of whenever Pitchfork comes up.

Pull that off. My, that’s an offensive weapon, that is.

Sansa seemed to be just being as forthright as she’s become, and Jon was just unloading something on her he had just discovered though it seemed like an abrupt reveal for something six seasons in the unveiling.

There are also multiple spinoffs coming, and if Sansa should survive (I think that her demise would be a

Unless it’s documented in the books, I don’t think the Night King can raise -any- dead, only those killed by its host.

You can create a shortcut folder on your taskbar and put shortcut icons in it.

Because the people who voted for Trump have been whipped into anti-immigrant by media outlets funded by rich sponsors who know tribalism is the way to get people to vote your ticket.

Trump’s 35% will not change on this as it’s been a feature of US political life since the days of importing Chinese people to build the

Read the comments on Fox News to disabuse yourself of that notion. Pigs.

Even if true, we’ll project the outcome by quoting Michael Che as Lester Holt on SNL: “Is that it? Did we get him?....It doesn’t matter? Nothing matters?”

Unless one of the workers had an abortion as a result (which would set off a small but...motivated part of the right), anything about his behavior will follow the

but until that happens...drug profits are flowing to Mexican cartels, and so American drug users -are- helping fund El Chapo’s clique and the bloodbath and dead/corrupt policemen and government in Mexico. Wishful thinking and talk about “someday” doesn’t change that.

Cute how Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul are top-of-the-pops in New Mexico.


Why? Because ads <=> clickbait - the herpes of the information age.