heaving brown

I’m trying to wrap my head around what Battlegrounds-influence this mode actually has.

The part where you parachute down? When you die you just re-spawn and fly back down again, and again (or so it seems from gameplay footage I found)

Fuck GTA Online’s economy.

Oh cool the alien mystery of GTA V Has been sol -GTA Online - FUCK.

I’m hard pressed to imagine someone sadder than a person that spends hundreds of dollars to cheat at a video game. What kind of sad, pathetic life would a person have that the only enjoyment they get in life is ruining an inexpensive game for other people? Since nothing they are doing reflects on their own skills or

Seems like it’ll be a neat solution for collectors but I honestly just want these games on my Switch. SNES games are great on the 3ds. but they are a little hard to appreciate on the small screen. The Switch like the perfect device for SNES games - with the caveat that it still lacks a joypad. Hmm.

You use Jennifer Lawrence to communicate your feelings lmao. You bookmark that, champ.

“2 doesn’t look like it’ll be very different in that regard.”

lmao the responses to this

Keeping innocent person upside down: Dead.

Samus did not leave behind any major narrative loose ends.

You should never count on resale value remaining stable in order to take the brunt of the cost of getting a new system. If even half of the current Xbone install base decided to upgrade, or heck, let’s just say even if 100k owners decide to upgrade, the value is going to go to crap regardless, at least though GameStop

I’d take 30 seconds of a new Dead Space over 30 minutes of Star Wars. :c

Even with the great BF2 display at the end that was hands down the worst Conference at E3 I’ve ever seen.

It’ll be cheaper in five months? YOU DON’T SAY...

It’ll be cheaper in five months? YOU DON’T SAY...

Incredible butthurt they didn’t even attempt to shoehorn in some VR. I’ve wanted to play that prototype version from the film hackers for like 20 years now, def would have been a nice addition and sort of celebration of the series to do anything more interesting than this.

Dear developers who tie in game systems like mechanics or physics to the framerate: Stop. Just fucking stop.

Dude was able to carry around half a dozen bombs full of bees and fire in his pockets. Seems like he ought to have been able to sew up some special animal hide sleeves.

JASON! You forgot to mention that Xbox Live Gold Subscribers can start a 14-day trial today. So it’s available now!

Point missed.