heaving brown

I hate “crafting” in video games so fucking much. It’s painfully arbitrary and tedious.

No but really, the beta test (that you can’t even play anymore) of an unreleased game being one of your favorites is very dumb. I bet you’ll love the game! Award THE GAME something when it comes out, the test was nothing. Less than nothing, it was marketing.

What kind of sad fucks still watch the Simpsons?

It’s totally what I thought.

their relationship was as real as responding to an advanced artificial intelligence twitter bot. no real human contact, just dialogue. it’s convincing to K and convincing to us, but it’s nevertheless artificial. the fact that so many audiences don’t question the truly dark and depressing consequences of such a

You’d think a reknown gaming studio would know who the fuck they’re hiring? Probably an intern? Damn telltale you so cheap.

No link to the game? (inb4 “Google it”)

After five games you should have a good idea whether or not this game is for you. It’s not like the word “Uncharted” is hiding in small print.

Counterpoint: Fuck you, Chris.

F’real, though, I have no idea how to draw a message for Splatoon 2.

Hell, I didn’t even figure out how to add people I had played with in prior matches until today.

I really hope that Rockstar gives this the Red Dead treatment. Taking a game with a decent foundation (though I think this game was much better than Red Dead Revolver), and vastly improving on what worked to make a far superior game in that same universe. I would love to see it brought back.

I enjoyed how they linked the whole game to the LA freeway deals in the late 40's early 50's. There was quite a bit of skullduggery involved in that in real life.

I don’t think I would ever call Patapon monochromatic. Also by any chance does it include two and three or is it only the first game.

“The gameplay remains untouched” The fact that the writer wrote that means he doesn’t know enough about the game to be qualified to write a post about it. Typical kotaku writers though.

Er... Refresh rate wouldn’t affect load times at all, that’s all on the hard drive/RAM. On top of that, you can still run a game at (to use your example) 800 FPS even if your monitor is only 60Hz - it would still affect the internal physics and any animations or scripting tied to the framerate, you’d just get a

Hot take: speedruns shouldn’t include load times, anyway.

Meh, obviously you’ll have changes being made in the aesthetics. We aren’t in the 60's anymore, visuals have increased by leaps and bounds. My issue is why they had to go and make everything look like some bastard hybrid of Star Trek Online, Starcraft II, Diablo III, and World of Warcraft? I really don’t understand

Before I even read any of the comments.