heaving brown

dying to know what you think “cloying” means

so many words written about something so soul-crushingly uninteresting

it’s “surprising Nintendo went there”? seriously, what is wrong with you 

I loved this game, even the shooty parts. I really hope Rockstar makes a sequel.

probably worth noting that the monitor does not have an hdmi input.

probably worth noting that the monitor does not have an hdmi input.

Volstock, Inc is also coming out on Vita.

looks interesting, but also looks like anti-communist propaganda, which I’m not keen on supporting

it looks bad to me

when the kotaku comment section does a better job reporting on something than the actual article

lol, you literally have to step over a shotgun to get in to the crew quarters.

I won’t buy a game unless it has a single player campaign. I’m sorry the existence of this “shoehorned” experience makes you upset, but somehow, I think you’ll be ok.

these... aren’t funny at all.

I think you’re wrong about the cop’s motivations - he just wanted to see the black guy’s ID so he could run his name - but you’re totally right about Rose’s.

so weird that the author of this review doesn’t know that teens watch old movies

if anyone does something as stupid and meaningless as give me a 12 gun salute in a shitty videogame, I will haunt their sorry asses so goddamn hard they’ll go insane

honest question. when will racists admit that making fun of “white genocide” isn’t a racist act, but an anti-racist one?

I’m gonna guess the death threats probably had something to do with it? but yeah, lets talk about why he might’ve deleted the tweet instead of the horror of a racist mob attacking him over it.

yes, lets insinuate that the guy being attacked by a racist mob is a sexual predator #discourse

Minerva’s Den is the “real” Bioshock 2 in my mind. The main campaign is like a fun, but inessential supplementary story compared to it, while Minverva’s Den actually feels like a true successor to the first Bioshock in tone and intent.