heaving brown

I know its fun to be angry about stuff, but didn’t the creator of the IP state that he considered the lead character to be Caucasian?

do you really think they accidentally misspelled the word, and you’re the only one who’s caught it?

...you think 95% of games let you make a character?

ah, famous millennials Ricky Gervais, Larry David and Christopher Guest we all know and love

watching people like you get worked up over vague hardware announcements is my favorite part of E3

Kotaku satisfies my ‘Fat Guy Slowly Killing Himself Wish Shit Food’ cravings. Thanks Kotaku!

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance explores the concept of what it means to apply value to something in relation to personal, and universal perception. I’d love to hear how that reduces to a “hippie baby boomer” thing in your eyes.

You should learn how our elections work. Nader ran as an independent, which means he was a 3rd option against the Dem and GOP nominees. Sanders is running as a Democrat, so if he doesn’t win the nomination, he wont be running in the general. How do you not know this already?

When the XB1 was first announced, I doubted I’d ever buy one. Now, I actually use it a bit more than my PS4...

That’s the joke, Kirk.

Thanks for the condescension - I understand the differences between the lines, though, and I do indeed know what I’m talking about.

Nah. Quadros are marketed for professionals, but most people these days actually opt for gtx because you get a lot more bang for you buck.

I can now add “50 year old man with ear plugs playing with children’s toys” to my list of Saddest Things Ever.

This is why I love reading the Jezebel comments section - for thoughtful critiques of women’s appearances. You said it girl, their faces DO look “...off”!!!

This article is about the surface 3, which just came out a few months ago, not the surface pro 3, which is going to be replaced by the pro 4 next month.

Well, the original Surface (and Surface RT) sucked.