heaving brown

I... really don’t like the PS Pro. It splits development for very little benefit, and it means that no one will optimize for the vanilla PS4 anymore, so we’ll have bullshit like the PC does where if a game doesn’t work on your hardware, they’ll just say “buy better hardware, stop being so poor” and that sort of goes

“...final nail in the coffin...”

wow so I have a gaming pc but tend to play consoles b/c it’s easier to game in the living room. I do have the steam link and steam controller. I also have an xbox one, ps4 and wiiU.

I actually really enjoyed my ps4 but the xbox one is looking more and more attractive after all these disappointments. Wtf is sony doing

The differences between 1080p and 4K is pretty minimal if you don't sit close to your screen.

This is interesting, as I was thinking about whether the PS4 Pro really is powerful enough to basically just “upgrade” games to native 4K without a performance hit, but there are some quotes here that kind of indicate that there could very well be a performance hit. Is it plausible that PS4 Pro 4K “native” games will

Yeah such a great game ruined by a pokemon system and boring fights.

Now playing

One of my favorite parts of the game is that it just lets you be an idiot and die:

Now playing

Here’s my blazingly hot take: this may have been the best movie I saw all year. Yeah the animation is gorgeous, but the whole package was so creative and lovely. The way the movie ended had me sobbing and was a beautiful message without being cliche.

Now playing

Kubo and the Two Strings: An absurdly beautiful, hand-made hero’s tale.

How to be a Sony fan:

Other reviews say the game is dull and repetitive. I guess I’ll get it just to get it and judge it myself but I don’t expect much.

I called 31 GameStops and they all said this wasn’t true.

I don’t know why incorrect aspect ratio angers me so much, but it does and I guess I need to work on that. What makes it worse here is that he didn’t just stretch his 4:3 footage to 16:9, he then obscures a portion of his footage to show his own head wearing the headset! Keep the game at 4:3 and push it all the way to

did “the japanese people” confirm this notion of having something taken away from them? like the publisher Kodansha for example? nerds are so short-sighted sometimes...

Said the raping ninja!

And generations of British, if you watch The Office, Extras, Are You Being Served, Fawlty Towers and hundreds more farces going back centuries. It’s a cornerstone of comedy and not a “millennial” thing in the least.

The people promoting this game keep saying “boots on the ground,” likely to assuage the fans freaking out about Call of Duty turning into a space game.”