heaving brown

They need to just abandon it and focus in on content people actually want, which is the single player campaign stuff.

Little Deviants actually came with my Vita. I never played it and I dont intend to start now

Because stories must have twists to be acceptable!

Still on my first play through but I started on ultra-nightmare. It forces you to manage your inventory and be aware of where all the baddies are and where their attacks are coming from during fights. After a bit though you adjust and this awareness just becomes the norm. Then you can begin to kill with style. (

“Why the disparity? I am guessing someone got the scale wrong on one slide or the other.”

Um, one clearly says Relative Gaming Performance and the other says Relative VR Gaming Performance.

Unless that was supposed to be a joke.

But yeah I’m excited. I have a GTX 980 Ti. Hopefully I can get this new card and sell my old

Because they are a business that likes to make money, and putting it on Steam means they have to pay Valve. (I’m with you, though, even if I understand the business reality.)

Actually, I think those companies will continue to thrive because they tend to be good at sifting through the hatred and figuring out what’s nonsense vs. what’s genuine criticism that they should respond to. YouTube dislikes for a game that isn’t out yet = nonsense. Diablo III auction house = genuine criticism.

I don’t really understand what’s going on. I watched the trailer, and thought “Neat, I’d play that.”

I was one of those who bought a Wii U for Zelda. Luckily I got it around when Smash was released. Got a Wii U plus 2 games for 200. It was a steal.

Yesterday I traded it in at gamestop. Figured there was nothing else I would play on it, and it would only depreciate the longer I kept it.

Heres holding out hope for the

A bunch of people on the internet who haven’t played the game yet are angry about something they haven’t experienced, but saw in a screenshot. That’s it! That does it for me. I had such high hopes but now it’s obvious this game is going to be terrible!

So, do you collect your salary from the GOP or Hillary’s super PAC? Or, are they pretty much one in the same at this point?

Bernie Sanders knows exactly how his policy would work. Listen to the interview for yourself, or not, but have fun watching CNN.


This is exactly why top movie critics review IMAX movies using Netflix on a 3DS.

Lindsay Graham, though ever the belle of the ball, is an extremely dangerous radical and I hope this latest junket doesn’t convince people otherwise.

They’re just waiting for some indie dev to come up with a cool idea that they can buy out. After all Valve’s only original games have been Half Life and Ricochet.