heaving brown

Maybe PewDiePie should review his own shit game that was worse.

I want a Paper Maio game that is more like Super Paper Mario and less... And not at all like Sticker Star. Can they do that please?

>Wants to kill off Paper Mario

“As it turns out, Ubisoft did the same thing for 2013's Far Cry Blood Dragon, whose map is based on Far Cry 3's south island.”

I feel exactly the same wait about the Challenge: Like it’s a bait-and-switch. You’re given an entire game in which you can peacefully, logically think your way through. Then this mess of randomly generated puzzles is thrown at you in which luck is a bigger factor than any other: the luck of getting a random sequence

That’s really kind of unfortunate as the only thing that would bring me back to GTA V is single player content. Then again, I don’t appear to be their target market any more.

Yeah, Elizabeth Warren is wildly unpopular isn’t she?

Obama was a junior Senator with a minimal record who was a lawyer from the Chicago Democratic machine. Anyone who thought he’d be anything other than what he turned out to be was delusional. Even knowing that, I still voted for him twice (breaking my long streak of protest voting for third parties) because he was

Oh stop, this wasn’t Watergate at all. I hardly doubt the DNC would have acted the same way if the Clinton campaign had found the data breach.

You left out the part where the same glitch occurred a month ago. The Sanders campaign identified the problem and notified the DNC last month. The DNC/their vendor did not fix the problem and once again opened the firewall this month.

Sounds like he is salty about being fired.

It wasn’t THAT bad. Granted, it put the poem and the history around it through a shredder (Dante as Kratos is... very, very wrong, let’s say), and I wouldn’t have used the Carey translation in a video game, but it was fun and it had some memorably disturbing creature design and some good jokes scattered around (the

Relax. Bernie officially became a Democrat this year, and isn’t going to run as an Independent if he doesn’t get the Democratic nomination. He’s not going to throw the election to the Republicans.

The console versions don’t even suck, I ended getting the worst version (XBOX One) so I could compete against friends challenges and it’s totally fine. A few frame hiccups here and there but nothing we weren’t used to from previous generations.

Or is Nintendo—who has far better luck in the handheld market than the console market—pulling out of the dedicated console market, with the NX being a supposed handheld home console hybrid?

We wouldn’t have to parrot the same tired-ass lines every single time Bethesda releases a new game if Bethesda wouldn’t use the same tired-ass engine, would we?

So, we’re trolls because we disagree with you? Solid logic there. It’s not like we don’t have a point, you know. The same bugs crop up release after release. The same tired old physics engine that breaks at high FPS/no V-Sync. Same animations, same necessary .ini tweaks, same everything, basically since Morrowind.

I’d like to see this as to just how damn good the 360 was. Sure, it wasn’t built as well as the other systems, but damn was it vastly more capable. Easier to work with and play on than the PS3, vastly more powerful and less gimmicky than the Wii (and the Wii U, for the matter)... Fuck it, I’m saying it: the 360 was