heaving brown

But... you... started... the... game...

Why not? I love books. If they want to protest that way, it's cool. They're not being loud or disruptive.

Pretty sure that’s Gene after he’s finally reached his limit.

It’s not a coin toss, you’re both people. You live and you die. You get to experience both, though it doesn’t seem that way from your different points of view.

Why wouldn’t it blow up? There is more than one turret on that vehicle. The other one(s) is controlled by AI. It actually makes perfectly logical sense. The AI still shoots even if the player chooses not to pull their weight.

Credit card info? Social media? Bank accounts? Cloud storage? Lots of reasons why people want to protect sensitive data on their phone.

I expect this title to pull a Team Fortress 2 and eventually become free to play. But Blizzard would be a fool not to start out with a price at launch: certain companies, such as Blizzard and like Valve or Bethesda, will have their games bought simply for being made by them. It could be piss in a bucket and it’ll sell

Surprise for me here (not that I was paying all that much attention) is what a waste of money the Titan X is unless you’re That Guy. $1000+ for basically the same performance as the $650 980 Ti or R9 Fury.

Nah, the superior option for many is both. And streaming boxes are so cheap there’s no reason not to. (And a lot of people don’t want or need the extra PC stuff.)

“This is exactly the mobile game from Nintendo we wanted!” -Said no one ever

Do you know what’ worse than typing bad comments?

It’s cheaper than some of the gaming keyboards Kotaku writes about and no one complains about those.

no...no you couldn’t

I know right? It’s uncanny

I’m not sure if you understand how stealing works. Asking people to give you money in return for a very clearly defined product with an equally clearly defined limited life cycle is not, by any possible defitition of the word, stealing.

Hiding your SSID is not a security measure. It can actually make it more vulnerable.

But, according to Time Warner, Hillary Clinton won the Ellen show appearance.

A Jewish president in this country should pretty much explode the tiny heads of the far right conspiracy nutjobs already upset by Obama.

I haven’t voted in a looooong time and have never been excited to vote for anyone, but I am psyched to vote for this man! He actually gives a shit about the American people, not about his ego, his ‘image’ or his ‘party’. That bullshit has helped to turn our federal government into a political staring contest.