Here for the free snacks

I thought Hitler titling his fourth album “Bad” was a little on-the-nose.

I suspect tigers that have advanced socially, intellectually, and culturally as much as Daniel’s family has probably don’t do that anymore. It’s still in their ids and has to be repressed and constrained by laws and morality in the same way that humans hold back their Freudian desires, but they don’t act on those

I don’t know much about the death rituals of anthropomorphic tigers, but the grandma thing totally makes sense. Many human cultures memorialize the dead through statues, photos, and other keepsakes, and it’s possible that tigers would preserve grandma’s pelt so she could be with them always.

There’s a grand pere on the show but no explanation as to what happened to grand mere. (She was made into curtains.)

“Remember what happened to your older brother before you misbehave, Daniel.”

Then you should probably avoid watching Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood. They skinned a neighbor tiger and made curtains.

*squeaky voice* “Ha ha! You, ah, come at the king, you best not miss, ha ha!”

Now playing

Speaking of face swapping, I just found this awesome scene:

Lost City of Z featured a revelatory performance from him, so I’m on board. As always, the key is the script. Of absolutely love a small scale, self-contained superhero story, set after the origin but still early on in the hero days. Those are rare anymore, but when they work it’s awesome. (Homecoming, for example, I

“Ghidorah is just an evil motherfucker from some other dimension.”

As a first generation Egyptian American born and raised on Long Island, it never even occurred to me that the concept of “representation” could apply to my incredibly specific niche background. So curious to see if any of the weird (possibly more legitimate than the average teenager’s) feelings of being an outsider

Those crazy Muslims, they’re just like us!

Ramy takes a pick-and-choose approach to Islam. He doesn’t drink or do drugs, but he does have pre-marital sex. He’s a regular at his local mosque, but tends to half-ass the ritual of pre-prayer washing. Last year he was half-in, half-out on Ramadan, so this year he overcommits to a degree that even his devout family

If humanity needs to hear the grave warnings of climate change from a man in order to save the planet, fine.

Counterpoint: Both Oprah’s and Sigourney Weaver’s efforts are far inferior to Attenbourough. No one in their right mind would voluntarily choose either one over the vastly superior original narration. He’s just the best at his job.

Westworld seemed to be one of those shows that got noticed more for hype than quality. The hype fell off very quickly.

The real waste of the Dorne storyline was getting Alexander Siddig to play Prince Doran and then making him be an actual cuck, instead of pretending to be a cuck like he is in the books.  

Cho is a very good actor but he is a poor choice for Spike, as his body is not 70 percent leg.

  • One, very into the idea of Cho as Spike. He can pull off the suits, and I’ve got faith that the dude can pull off the swagger, too. Needs longer hair, though, for sure.

49-year old Matthew McConaughey’s high-school sweetheart, 36-year old Anne Hathaway. Oh Hollywood, never change.