Here for the free snacks

The music ain’t bad, either. Nope, The soundtrack by Hitoshi Sakimoto is among my all time favourite, a true masterpiece!

I stumbled by chance on Faces places and never knew Agnes Varda before watching it. I was mesmerized by its lingering beauty and when she died last March, we watched Cleo 5 a 7 and honestly couldn’t believe this was a film made in 1962. Everything about this film screamed innovation and avant-garde from the space

No she left out Ash and the whole space jockey sequence !

The first time I learned of the existence of Alien was when my older half sister sat 5 years old me on her lap and told me the whole story in the chronological order from the chest bursting scene till the flamethrower chase by the end. I didn’t watch the actual movie till years later and became an instant classic for

My feelings exactly, read all the books in anticipation for the Tv show after years of playing the games, and was pretty let down from the 2nd or 3rd book ant it never picked up until the end. I was wondering at times if it’s really the same guy who wrote the short stories and the main saga. Would need some pretty

It should also be appealing to muslim viewers outside of the US looking for quality storytelling

Funny you mention him as a cuck as he’s the nephew of Malcolm Mcdowell who killed that Babooshka with a giant ceramic phallus in A clockwork orange

Don’t hold your breath, as much as it’s a technical improvement over HR, the story and the new characters are so bland you will have no interest exploring Prague or any of the other uninteresting annexed locations. The last chapter is also so rushed that every decision you made story or gameplay-wise loses any impact,

The sequel was one of the most disappointing gaming experiences I had in recent memory. I couldn’t believe the two games were related.

What you found laughable is what made this review stands out for me. As others stated, we need more of these elaborate writing pieces that explore beyond the usual checklist,and provide an insight stemming from the writer’s personal experience and opinions, not from our expectations of what a game review should read

I’m not Horror fan by any means but I will be damned if Hereditary is not one of the finest examples an elegant production design,expert pacing and exceptional acting can elevate the genre to new heights. Throughout the movie, I kept juxtaposing the dread of what was unfolding before me on screen and the real more

I was ready to give up on gaming since the majority of titles as you said are ‘copy and paste’ and throw the towel after finishing God of war, but I keep some hope in my heart for RDR 2 : Please be original and surprise me !

God, There really should be a sequel for what we do in the shadows ! 

Not sure he won an Oscar 

They have introduced a new separate difficulty setting just for the puzzles and the exploration where you can turn off all the visual and voice hints, and by the account of some reviews, some puzzles in this one are worth of head scratching

Not related to this article and just a random call for help from someone who was away during the Kinjapocalypse and is now walking among these debris and destroyed streets sobbing like Adrian brody in the pianist, are the comments to all old TV reviews like Fargo gone forever ? because I can access the comments for