Here for the free snacks

He was the best of The Python gang in Drag.

“Life of Brian,” which might be my favorite comedy ever, featured aliens and running dick jokes and yet was also one of the most devastating and dead-on satires of social movements and religion. In a weird way, I feel like that movie informed my political views as much as any lesson on history and politics

“You were raped?”

“Well, at first...”

His funnier scene in Brian is when Brian finds out he’s half Roman and assumes his mother had been raped, when in reality she just liked hooking up with Romans and was probably a prostitute.

in a way, wasn’t everybody’s father a seminal figure

Midnight! Not a sound on the pavement. Time for ultraviolence!”

“a milk bar”

It’s hard to bounce back when you get a reputation for ultra violence.  

The screening would’ve been far more enjoyable after drinks from the Korova Milk Bar.  

Vagrant Story reminds me of Dark Souls in many ways.  The atmosphere, the difficulty, the mystery, the spectacular art direction - they all hit the same notes to me.

An all time classic that sadly doesn’t get the recognition from modern gamers it deserves.

I named my son Ashley. Thankfully, my Grandfather had a brother named Ashley so I could say it’s a family name.

Dark Souls-style Vagrant Story remake would be so amazing. Not that the combat system of the original is bad, but when I think about all the things they could do with enemies, the whole design and potential for an even more massive and intimidating Lea Monde.. there’s just so many possibilities.

Generally I think remakes are pretty lame but this is a game I think could really expand on it's ideas and concepts. Square used to be so experimental. Also has an incredible ending theme. 

Best art design, best music, best story, best localization.  One of the all-time greats.

Just as Harry Dean Stanton smiling at the camera and walking away at the end of Lucky felt like a fitting farewell, the end of this feels like a fitting farewell to Agnes Varda. As one review I’ve seen puts it, it’s more TED talk than documentary, but it’s a good watch all the same.

Damn. Even fake FIFA is crooked.

Well I guess its time I blow the dust of my PS4 to play an exclusive again. I debated waiting for the PC version to come out but I got bit in the ass doing that for Nier: Automata and its terrible PC port.

Sounds great and all, but having to rock a baby to sleep and not being able to carry everything you need sounds a little too close to home to enjoy.

god i can’t wait. this is the sort of impenetrable bullshit i’ve been missing in my life