Here for the free snacks

“Once upon a time, seven people were asleep in space...”

I went from liking this game to hating it to loving it in the span of a year. I got it on launch but quit on Chapter 3 in December or January. It just felt so tedious and boring.

They brought Jason in from paternity leave just so he could delay a game again? Wow.

I play in an informal clan (AOD) that has about 4 or 500 BFV players.

My friends and I play it all the time. COD is fun, if you like being both beaten and berated by 12 year olds. I like the older audience of Battlefield, and the difficulty, and terrain destruction, vehicles, etc.

“You come to me on this, the day of my daughter’s cybernetic upgrading, and ask me to do murder?”

for a series that relies on time travel, there’s pretty startling lack ambition. Lets see wild west terminators. Or terminators in viking times. That could be cool as hell. 

I think you're right and if they follow Dan's advice they'll drift apart once the thrill is gone, off to ruin the lives of innocent future partners once again. 

He also likes Phil Collins and gets extremely anxious when someone has a nicer business card than him.

Anyone who describes themselves that way is a guaranteed 100% asshole.

Letter one makes me think this guy and maybe his girlfriend are the worse kind of cheaters, the type that gets off on cheating.  Also the type who loves to cheat but hates being cheated on.  

Yeah this guys sounds like a douche

I want my Terminator vs. 1930's Gangsters movie!

Hmmm... Tell me more about this plan. - Sincerely, NOT an insidious A.I. group-mind with the ability to time travel and a desire to enslave the human race.

At least he didn’t eat any lobster that was left in the fridge for too long.

I can answer a little here. The biggest mistake EVERYONE makes talking about The Witcher series is they call it a fantasy RPG. This makes people think of Dragon Age, LOTR, and so on. It’s not this at all. The Witcher is best described as a Folk Lore RPG. Most of the stories and plots are rooted in Polish folklore

My belief with games, movies or whatever else is that execution trumps concept. “Interdimensional elves” and “mutagenetic monster hunters” might sound silly but The Witcher makes them work because it is a well written game with amazingly likable characters.

Also: there’s the other stuff. Wild Hunt is where a lot of

My opinion: Its the reigning RPG of the generation and perhaps game of the generation.

Well, also realize that all such games are flawed and can be similarly criticized and disparaged, and the key is the balance of what is done well and what is not done so well relative to an individual’s taste. The overall quality of the game play and storytelling with Witcher 2 & 3 does place it in a superior position

You’re absolutely entitled to your opinion, and not every game is going to scratch the itch for very gamer, but Heather isn’t wrong when she says Wild Hunt is considered one of the best video games ever made. While ultimately subjective, it’s a pretty universally-held truth. It’s not perfect, no. But it’s really,

If anything else, The Last Wish is a very good place to start. Not necessary, but it offers some good context for things that crop up in the games.