Here for the free snacks

RE3 wasn’t too bad. The conceit of Nemesis being a persistent, terrifying threat was pretty good and reasonably well executed.


Dafoe’s Oscar should have FOR THE FLORIDA PROJECT, WE TOTALLY FUCKED UP THERE carved into the base.

At the very least Toni Collette deserved a Best Actress nomination.

Hereditary was going to get nominated for an Academy Award, but on the way there the Oscar stuck its head out the car window and, well, you know.

Black Panther 100% deserves every one of those technical nominations, but Best Picture? Get the fuck out of here.

To be fair, most trash are treasures in the Fallout universe, so let’s say both the game quality and special edition are very aptly themed.

Cast my Ein please. Just don't let her eat the mushrooms. I'll take those instead.

So you’re saying that you think it'll…Tank?

Human Revolution is a really good game.  I know it’s a continuation of the Deus Ex series but for me it always felt like where I’d wished the Metal Gear Solid series had gone if it’d kept following the gameplay and narrative threads it was tugging on MGS2.  The stealth is so good in that game.  The sequel has a really

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

I’m really unsure of how to interpret this article. I’m all for a different perspective when critiquing a game. I’m not sure what my takeaway from your review is supposed to be. Spaldino made a fairly salient point and you kind of flippantly responded. Seems to me that your comment is saying to go elsewhere for more

Agreed. Put the editorial think piece in the editorial. Put the review in the review.

So like... how many maps are there? How many game types are available in multiplayer? How’s the matchmaking UI? How many guns? Are the guns locked behind personal level and/or challenges of some sort? What is the tick rate of the servers? Do you have the option of choosing a server? How many classes are there? What

Next thing you know, they’ll have Dafoe play Jesus.

I was surprised by Battlefield’s V campaign, but it wasn’t pleasant.

Please allow me to curse in my own language: caralho!!!! This is one fucking good review man!!! Amazing piece work!!! A review worthy of the greatness of  the game, as it seems, congratulations!!!

Your stance is perfectly understandable and justifiable.

My copy just shipped from Amazon today (will supposedly be here tomorrow; we’ll see how that works out), and I am absolutely jacked to play this.

The uncomfortable questions surrounding the game’s development—and the culture of crunch that drove it (and continues to drive development of many AAA titles)—feel like the

This is some f’ed up crap. This is how we allow corporations control everything. I used to not care, but this is getting out of control.