
hey, i got to meet the super hot med student who was gonna watch them remove of uterine polyp from my unkempt junk just moments before i got put under... so can i categorize my lack of consent to sexy med students watching as some kind of sexual assault? no? i was just receiving valuable medical care and should chalk

she doesnt deserve to be treated badly. but that doesnt make it rape. doctors should do everything in their power to respect their patients and keep her up on everything thats going on.

because that is not what rape means? because its horrific, forcible mutilation? maybe medical malpractice? not rape. if i slash you with a knife? assault. not rape. if we agree im going to pull one of your teeth and i go ahead and pull four without your consent? fucked up and not ok, but not rape. no one should ever

no, not at all. say i like hiking in the mountains and spent months reading up on hiking injuries and first aid. does that make me a doctor? does that mean when my leg is bent in half and im full of adrenaline and shock and horror, i’m the utmost authority on the way forward? chilling out long enough to say “actually,

yea i actually had a double-take, “why am i on this site” cringe moment when i read that. when someone describes something you saw with your own eyes (several times over by now) and gets it so wrong, either cos they’re so biased they actually saw it as “spitting”, or because theyre disingenuously spinning it that way

thank you. that jarred me, too. dude was classy and straightforward, especially given how much that would have sucked. its a super dick move for rich to jump on the la la land folks just cos he doesnt think the movie deserved to win. unnecessarily catty and lame, and disingenuous to boot.

the insane thing is, if anyone has any right to tell folks to fuck off home its the first nations kids... the ones who didnt suck in this story. every other canadian is an immigrant with varying levels of seniority and that “shut the door behind me” attitude is a litmus test for a shitty person, imo. no, dick, “old

depends what you mean. if you mean that many canadians arent proud of him (though, too, many are proud), then yes. if you mean that not many are proud of him, then no.

...what? becomes? are you under the impression were a state? or am i missing something?

really focused on the good-looking aspect, eh? my condolences.

im not happy it didnt happen this time around, its definitely a big deal for me.. but id rather take time and do it right than trump it and pull some bullshit just to say it got done. unless i missed something, he hasnt “given up” on it.

DUDE. oleary. straight up. his pathetic attempt to ape the “successful”- businessman-turned-populist-politician thing and try to establish himself as an offbrand djt is legit cringe-worthy.

what? oleary is our trump and hes a joke. posturing, bloviating idiot, just like trump. unless you mean solely in terms of a relatively unexpected victory?

oh my god, we get it. youre posting the same reply to everyone and no ones buying it. some people arent a loss to the world in their passing. actively, openly, vocally hateful racists are some of them. your increasingly hyperbolic accusations at anyone who isnt shedding a tear don’t make this man’s passing a tragedy.

yea, actually. if youre a reprehensible garbage person, im not going to mourn you or pity those around you who chose to overlook your heinous attitudes and actions.

im also canada and my mom has ms. agree that the ms society is bullshit. my mom actively encourages people not to waste their money there. that said, it seems to me like some charities, especially controversial ones in the states, require talented and exceptional leadership. if a charity does reliably good and useful

i think you might be misapplying the terms “sweeping” and “ban”. there was a significant slow down, for a brief period, in relation to a very specific situation regarding individuals in iraq who then travelled to america. not quite to the same scale as a massive, poorly executed blanket ban of multiple countries. to

nah. i get a lot of value out of reddit. saying “this giant platform for sharing and communication shouldnt exist cos i dont like what some of the users say” is annoying as fuck to me. reddit has its problems and a lot of its users are gross and shitty, because a lot of people are gross and shitty. that doesnt mean

god and thats not even bringing in the “we cant know the truth, what about men ruined by false rape accusations” crowd. i just had an overly long discussion with on of these rape-apologists on reddit and its crazy making. “better to let 100 guilty free than punish one innocent!”, “the law isnt a place for emotion!”