
Ah, the infamous Discouroboros

Cheryl gaslighting Josie is easily this season’s craziest and best plot twist, and I can’t believe the show has seemingly dropped it.

His friends didn’t know he was homeless for a large chunk of the first season so everyone being a shitty friend to Jughead is at least consistent

I need the agent to go away. Now. He’s the worst.

Man I’m so waiting for that reveal about FP being Chic’s real father. The drama and angst and sexual tension that will ensue between FP and Alice will be great and I need that backstory now.

I really don’t like that FBI guy. He keeps expecting this teenager to put his life in danger to serve him. This can’t be an approved thing right. Since Hal is obviously not Chics father I guess we’ll find out soon enough that it’s FP.

This isn’t a court, no one is convicting anyone.

i liked Scott Baio a lot more when i forgot he was alive.

Almost willing to forgive, because that is a really hot-looking gang.

Sweet Pea became my low-key favorite character this episode. “Woo! Fuck yeah, real school! I’m gonna wear a turtleneck!”

I question some of the assumptions people are making: 1. Am pretty sure Walton is actually dead in the game (or he would have shown up for the happy reunion), and 2, I think the deletion of his rogue universe left Daly brain dead — or maybe trapped in a nightmare of Nothingness—but probably not actually dead (the

*pops in to talk about how entertaining this was, sees the rage-filled trainwreck of a comment section*

We all know the drill: if a game doesn’t work, blow in the cartridge. Or high end, super fancy technology chip. Whatever. It’s all the same....

I usually can’t stand Black Mirror, but I loved this episode.

I don’t think so, it felt like desperate people taking desperate measure to escape an existential dystopia.
What they did was sick but it just shows the dire situations they were in to show the extent they would go to kill themselves.
It doesn’t make it right and I don’t think the story was every trying to claim they

Yes, the same sequence on another show would not have had nearly as much tension, since we expect certain things from a typical Black Mirror ending. I think only San Junipero and Nosedive had anything like an optimistic ending, and even the latter had to have its protagonist hit bottom first.

Seeing that it is Black Mirror, I expected the worst, in terms of outcomes for the heroes. I was happy to be wrong, but lord did this episode keep me on the edge of my seat. I absolutely loved it.

It’s a review, the entire article goes into the plot.

I wasn’t sure we’d get the pay off of Daleys Death or even the crew getting out, Black Mirror doesn’t always reward our heroes, like the tiny robots of White Christmas. I was expecting a terrible reset and was sweating the crew getting through the Wormhole. I was happy I was wrong.

That bugged me for a second, and then I thought "These are - to their knowledge - the only people left alive; it's not like they have any prior commitments preventing them from taking a 3,500 mile round trip on a whim."