
But isn’t that what we’re sposed to wrangle with in episodes where ai duplicates suffer or are punished independently of their human counterparts? I thought we’re sposed to consider the implications of a conscious sentience that experiences self-awareness, emotion, and pain like we do.. but don’t physically exist the

We identified him as the love child of Matt Damon and Phillip Seymour Hoffman..

Nice try, Nick.

That’s silly. Your political beliefs aren’t like your taste in music or your fashion sense. They reflect how you view the world, your priorities, and morality. I don’t understand people so spineless about their beliefs that they argue there should be no repercussions for believing in and supporting certain things. Or

I’m sorry to hear about your ptsd :( I just wanted to say, it was comforting to hear for the first time someone who experiences the same thing as me re: startle reflex. Couple years ago I was attacked on the street and while I got super lucky, fought him off, and rarely think of it, when people stealth up behind me my

Right?! Holy fuck. “...shescurrentlyalive BUT THAT SUCKED FOR US OH MY GOD PITY US”

thats exactly what they did. im embarrassed to admit this show is my guilty pleasure, as i grew up on archie comics, but iirc thats what happened. thats why i dont get the bitching. paraphrasing, veronica is all, “we’ll shock them, play along” and kisses betty, and another chick is like, “fake lesbianism is lame and

if its a full-time job, why shouldnt it? do lawns not need mowing all of a sudden? i spose papers dont need delivering so much these days.

dude, i think youll find from the replies youve been getting, the question is whats wrong with you. the privilege is being able to treat shitty, underpaying job as “work experience” for a kid, where the wage doesnt matter, then just move on. many people, despite (gasp!) working as hard (probably much harder) than you

how dare you criticise our Dear Benevolent Capitalism? didn’t you hear? everyone in the world is miserable and oppressed beneath the boots of big government, and only americans are free to frolic and play and strive and achieve in the gentle glow of American Capitalism™.

aaaah american capitalism. take what you can get and feel lucky for it! you are of no value but we’ve deemed it acceptable to fling a few pennies your way for your labour. we will make millions on billions of dollars for shareholders, but if you uppity proles would like to eat AND have a roof over your heads, we might

awe did someone complete his first econ or political science course? thats so sweet. a tip, parroting lines from a basic descriptions of a system does not an ethical system make. especially if youre going to overlook the parts about the driving force of capitalism being profit, not maximised employee wellbeing. thats

holy shit thats some ignorant privileged bullshit right there.

Both come across as kind of shitty to me. Pussy cos i guess youre objectifying a human down to genitals to use as you want? And the other cos, setting aside the fact that a “girl” is a child, so youre either a pedo or infantalising grown women, i guess it just comes across as really disrespectful? Both phrases are

How do you not see an issue when your dichotomy is “straight young men” and “sluts”? Are you actually that daft or just trollin up a storm? At least you reigned yourself in from your original draft: “fine young gentlemen” and “dirty shameful whores”.

1. this article is about the absolutely fucking insane fact that two people who didn’t do their best at an award show have to have fucking security protect them from crazy people and the fallout.

“she knew that being a woman, she’d be blamed for it even though she wasn’t the one who messed up”

i mean, i see a thread full of people who take issue with medical malpractise but think we should steer clear of calling women who feel uncomfortable during giving fucking birth (a highly unpleasant and literally life-threatening experience) rape victims. maybe (heres a crazy thought) we’re expressing an opinion not

no one’s saying just take it. maybe just don’t appropriate the vocabulary of victims to describe poor medical practise. we should be able to contest malpractise when we see/encounter it while also accepting that childbirth is a huge fucking deal and some parts of it are going to suck. if it sucks in a “hurt my

or maybe it helps us keep a level head about the situation at hand. people fucking die having babies. many women the world over still fucking die having babies. no one should be neglected or abused while giving birth. but trying to lump yourself and your indelicate birth experience in with a woman dying in Chad cos