
oh my god that was awful. im not having kids, but if i did, i wouldnt live in terror of them bullying me out of intimacy with my so. jesus christ, set some fucking boundaries.

are you joking right now? do you genuinely believe people need to submit to your character assessments before they can engage in a discussion on a public forum? do you have a handy form assembled to streamline the process for us? make whatever assumptions about a person you want, but we dont owe you shit, bud. youre

just being needlessly dickish. its possible to have a conversation on the internet that addresses one topic (acknowledgment of one’s own racism) without going on a tirade about how one is fighting the good fight in every aspect of their life, every time they open their mouth. if s/he had gone on to say what you

if only america were innocent of the same elsewhere..

right? that was my same thought. its the trump thing all over again. “awe man, all these snowflake libtards are asking me to not be flagrantly racist, sexist, or homophobic anymore. i can’t be openly horrible without getting called on it, and rather than gain some self-awareness, ill blame “the man” and some nebulous

recently i befriended someone who perceives auras and energy stuff, and has visions and whatnot. im incredibly sceptical as a human, but it was very interesting to hear how she perceives the world. she does tarot card readings, but unlike sketchy mediums, though, she doesnt claim to know things concretely and actively

god, its been amazing. i tried not to binge, but then did. was actually scared during this episode that theyd cop out and use Xtina’s charade as a plot device to convince Diane to have the baby. So happy i was underestimating the writers.

i always had small but perky boobs and i was just fine with them...until i gained and lost forty pounds over a few years. they were up to a small c and now theyre sad and dejected a’s (and when one is significantly smaller than the other at this size, its not a great look). bums me out, too. i dont need them to be big

this past summer a guy followed me home and, trying to be polite and not make him feel uncomfortable (we were probably just two people walking on a summer night, after all, he was probably just a normal guy looking as forward to getting home as i was), i simply picked up the pace and tried to distance myself. I was

ugh, i had a big discussion about this with a fellow redditor and it annoyed the shit out of me. his argument was that by being cautious we were unjustly “treating them like criminals”, that some guys were like that but not most, not him. i explained that we aren’t assuming that all guys, or most guys are, or that he

hey, a friend of mine called her son malachi. i think its a neat compromise, provided you dont hate “malachi”, of course, because you can call him kai all you want and if it gets weird or nonsensey, you can switch back to malachi, or mal, or some other syllable that pleases you.

i know we have programs like that in my city, but lots of them are done by volunteer. you can volunteer to be an escort who takes people to doctor, shows them how to encounter the bus/the grocery store, even cook in our kitchens (depending on the level of technology theyre used to, i guess?). you can help with

“men just dont SEE mess”

i was thinking the same thing. its not, “your culture is bad, our culture is good, fix yourself”, its, “no matter what was ok there, these are the laws here and if you choose to make your home here, you are expected to comply.” a lot of group membership contexts involve both benefits and responsibilities, its not akin

im canadian and was recently looking at a job posting through a social services agency in which one, with the help of interpreters, leads seminars with newcomers (immigrants/refugees) on canadian parenting values. my first impression was: doesnt that imply foreigners don’t know how to parent, that there is a cohesive

“whats the sense in hurting my pride”

i dont really get this argument. the act of clicking on and reading something negates your ability comment on the content? like others have said, i read it because i thought it sounded like it could be interesting. turned out to just be “blogger mistakes self-deprecation for self-congratulation and petty

are you actually suggesting that the fact that our society sucks at dealing with rape and rape victims means survivors are dumb for coming out with the truth?

wow, thats the first ive seen of him since the report. not....good. his political stuff sounded somewhat like old him, just slower and toned down, but the dressing room bit was cringe levels of unfunny. is that the cost of taking over for letterman, blandly unfunny and fallon-esque? or was that just a particularly

i spy a planet express ship..