
thank you, my thoughts exactly. people, its cool if you want to reproduce, thats fine. no, youre not a hero. no, your child isnt a miracle. no, the world doesnt owe you because you made what is the inherently and fundamentally selfish choice of reproducing. this is part of why abortions need to be available and

the most egregious thing about these isn’t that theyre ridiculous and shamelessly desperately pseudo-sexy.. but that we seem to be pretending the actual costumes look anything like those modelled. arent these kinds of costumes notoriously terrible, over-priced and patched together out of flimsy fabric, shitty

its not about her being “ugly” or anything. If her hair was vibrantly. freshly dyed red and she tried to blonde it with a box dye, it would be brassier orange, not gentle blonde. she would still look like her, but her hair would look like she tried to do a professional task with a box from the pharmacy, like the rest

hey now, we canadians call it “pop”. its not an affectation, just the done thing. people who call it “soda” here stand out and will likely be mocked... unless theyre actually foreign.

Now playing

the thing about a rating is, you dont know the quality of a person whos giving the rating

beh. i’m the first one to shit on our “universal healthcare” in canada for how lacking it can be compared to other countries with systems like that in place...but good god this makes me feel grateful for being canadian. i’d still be on the hook for the cost of prescription meds if i didnt have insurance, but i could

i like “going all night” in a fuck, chill, fuck, chill-type situation. lots of short and hot sexy times interspersed with hang outs and smiles with your gentleman friend. marathon sex is the woooorst in both a boring and an increasingly physically unpleasant kind of way..

i agree! i was raised catholic, and even though i got the shit out of that faith at the earliest possible convenience, and have always been pro-choice, for many years i harboured the lingering “safe, legal, and rare” sentiment. it took me so long to realize that i was approaching abortion as a kind of “necessary evil”

uh, durr. literally just look several comments above on this very thread where u/noble renard clarifies how much of the video was sketchy edited garbage created to portray mistruths. the lawsuit does indeed “do something to discredit the information they gathered”. in fact, to make it easier for you, ill just

I STAYED HERE AND DIDNT KNOW ABOUT ITS HISTORY TILL NIGHTTIME. we went out for sushi and for some reason were reading reviews on the hotel we’d checked into that afternoon and FOUND OUT ITS A MURDER HOTEL. then we had to walk home in la in the dark and go up to our room in the murder hotel and sleep there. exciting in

i trust youre referring to the dratch-and-ferrell-at-the-weshley-arms pronunciation?

sigh. i had my favorite chinese place never show up, like op, and when i finally called they just explained they couldnt find my house. not “were looking and we can’t find it”, more “oh you? from an hour and a half ago? yea, we tried to deliver but it didnt work out.” wtf.

you did make it clear. reading is fundamental.

no one said “wear the pants” except u/ladyology. u/mazzied was comparing the choice of a pair of pants to a dress and stating both were feminist choices if the woman chose it for herself.

no, s/he literally said “wear pants” versus “wear a dress”, to reference that either is good so long as its an empowered choice.

i thought so, too. it seems so awful to advocate death, but this dog would almost certainly never have another home, or one he would be ok in. instead he had all the sadness and terror of being abandoned by the people he loves, to live out a lonely and uncertain fate. theres a good chance the shelter would put him

awe, you outed yourself as one of them. is there room in your world for people who aren’t your strawman “feminists”, who enjoy sex and getting dirty and having fun, but would rather a kick to the cunt than any kind of sexual congress with these obnoxious children?


so you accuse someone else of being “fucking clairvoyant” for making an assumption about a forcible sexual encounter, and yet you’re comfortable asserting what exactly this guy did or didn’t do? paul, is that you?

weird, the awkward youthful encounters i can recall involve myself or the person hitting on me making a move, myself or the other person not being keen on physical developments, and intense embarrassment on the part of both friendly parties. making a move that doesnt land for most people ends in awkward embarrassment