
what? he voluntary got into a ring with a huge, wounded and angry animal and proceeded to engage in torturing it to death for his own glory. the cruelty meted out on this innocent animal (hugely one-sided and unfair for the bull, at that, as the odds are stacked to ensure the bull just suffers and suffers and dies,


i’ve heard people have issues with the phenol in carmex but its always been amazing for me. like, slavishly using chapstick or blistex for days, then put carmex on overnight and a complete turn around by morning. i guess mileages may vary..

my terribly dry lips, habit of biting and licking them, and alberta winters combined means i have tonnnnnes of experience with horribly chapped lips. my solution was to exfoliate my lips gently the best i could to get rid of as much of the dead skin as i comfortably could, then heap on the carmex overnight. works like

i literally put a shot glass away with those exact words on it this evening. roommates.

super family-specific, but for the sake of the subject: four kids in a car, all under ten. older brother proudly crafts an origami change purse for younger brother. younger brother grows tired of possessing said purse so, not wanting to be rude, complains that he likes it but its "giving him a headache". we use that

man, i'm 28 and its only just recently occurred to me that i dont hate what i see in the mirror anymore. id gained a lot of weight over a decade of just getting into an unhealthy lifestyle and being depressed/anxious, and always disliked my body but assumed i'd get my shit together and change it soon. until then,

"My dad is constantly making judgements about women's bodies, as if just by going out in public they're participating in a beauty pageant with him as the judge. Like they exist for his looking pleasure?"

i call them baby tastebuds. its pretty funny cos dudes ive cooked with have often been keener to try new things when their steadfast refusal to try new things is jokingly referred to as baby-like.

yea kind of agree. totally 100% think that this woman shouldnt have to give up on sex just because the man she married got ill. sex is an important part, but only one part of life, and him not being into/up to it shouldnt have to negate their entire relationship - especially if the solution is something as simple as

thats the point. the family paid. mostly, the kids paid. and paid, and paid, and paid. i dont think its needlessly piling on to take this exercise in self pity and point out that perhaps theres room for personal responsibility here somewhere. obviously everyone gets that the companies treated them terribly, but people

exactly my thoughts.

they said something vague like "it didnt work for a variety of reasons" which has a definite cop-out feel to it. if she'd said something like "try as we might we literally could not find a single paid position anywhere, in any industry, that could keep us afloat", i'd be more inclined to think they were genuinely

just not important enough for this couple to make some sacrifices in favour of their kids' well-being or stability. like i said upthread, the world doesnt owe you your dream job, dream house, and as many kids as you can make. pick one, and prioritize that. follow your heart in an unstable industry, but don't do so at

ugh. exactly. it sucks that this happened to this family but i feel bad for the kids more than anything. the world doesnt owe you your dream job, your dream house, and 5 fucking kids. Follow your heart in an insanely unstable industry, but dont put the burden of instability on your fucking kids. Or have six zillion

awe, hun. its no one's job but your own to educate yourself. if your plan is to go out into the great wild internets and air your ignorance, don't expect people to take you by the hand and gently guide you in a basic understanding of facts. other folks like to read and learn BEFORE they air their moronery for all to

don't sell yourself short. youre not just no scholar in Islam, but also no scholar in history, international affairs, or, by the looks of it, religious studies in general. if, perhaps, you have a grasp of some basic literacy skills, i recommend you start there..

nah. shes easily been the calmest and most generous of anyone here. there is inherent insecurity in the topic at hand, hence the subject of the article and very wording included therein. the whole issue is problematic. thats. the. point. of. the. article.

i definitely feel a mixed response to your comment, but more in a positive way than negative. the issue a lot of people had with olivianopes comment wasnt that she was actively participating in a discussion about female orgasms and sexual satisfaction with her own experiences. cos she wasnt. i feel like your response