
you do get that this wasnt kindergarten, right? it was grade ten. isnt that like 15/16 years old? you would have felt a heads up was required to sit down and discuss the gravity of where meat comes from ("when a man and a woman love a steak very much...") w your drinkin/fuckin/smokin/too cool for school teenage

please tell me youre vegan. if so, theres legitimacy behind your concerns. raising/catching and killing animals is not lovely and often cruel, and our acknowledgment of this (or, more often, lack thereof) raises problematic issues about our society and its sourcing of food. in my experience, small scale producers are

wait, are you genuinely arguing that because you saw one book that advocated something you dont agree with, you are "willing to bet" the teacher did that exact thing, and, moreover, generally raises rabbits cruelly? are you able to see the leap youre making there? unless, of course, youre arguing that theres no way to

dont you mean, "she knows she's a winner, she couldn't be thinner, cause she's careful what she eats for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. good nutrition rules"?

honest now, are you an illiterate adolescent boy?

exactly. speak for yourself u/dwayne.. on the "theyre perfect and everyone wants to look like them" front. ugh. i definitely would like to get myself into a healthier state, but only a bit of fitting up while still having curvy bits and being a comfortable me size. i cant get over how boring the look of those women is

if you follow the dear kate link and look at their photo and the vs photo one right after the other the effect is surreal..

awe sweetheart. since youre so good at learning, maybe give the dunning-kruger effect a gander? no amount of wedmd-ing on a couch in your yoga pants will make you a doctor. sorry.

but didn't you hear? his experience represents everyone's experience. his mom is every woman. no woman can be flawed, as she is necessarily representative of all women everyhere. these arent HIS issues, theyre SOCIETY'S issues.

women wanted rights! and jobs! and to not be beaten, abused, raped, or owned! they wanted to have choices, control over their own lives, and be people!

ha! youre silly.

salt, sugar, baking soda, ground coffee/almonds/walnuts/beans/avocado pit, oats, berry seeds, etc etc etc. all the things exfoliant live in our kitchens.

from a distance it looks like creative use of a garbage bag

am i the only one who loves this?

nothing helps a friend overcome issues in her life like complete alienation, right? its not like anyone ever overcame struggle and hardship with the support of loving friends...

i like to prioritize the subs that explicitly forbid abusive and malicious comments, and dont tolerate cruel jokes, racism, sexism, etc. i dig being on the same page as others and not having to wade through crap to see legit discussion. its always a bit of a shocker to leave those safe harbours and venture into a sub

god, thank you. reddit tends to get a pretty bad rap here, and it annoys the shit out of me. there are douchebags, like everywhere, and they should definitely be called on their bullshit. but theres tonnes of awesome stuff, too, and that rarely gets a mention. i hate that people miss out on some really great

on the plus side, people are trying to show they have no time for homophobia. on the down side, "WHO HAS TIME TO READ WHEN I HAVE AN OPINION I HAVE TO SHARE!?!" your joke has been solidly eclipsed by these brave heroes' outrage.

exactly. im a canadian and i enjoy travelling to the states - their national parks are awesome. but its weird and unnerving to be in a place where a social misstep or minor conflict could get you dead. not that that's the prevailing attitude or anything, but there are crazies everywhere and in the states a lot of them