i dig buying the red bean on its own from the chinese grocer and making baked goods/ice cream myself. ensures freshness and an abundance of filling..
i dig buying the red bean on its own from the chinese grocer and making baked goods/ice cream myself. ensures freshness and an abundance of filling..
good god, thank you. why are we engaging this troll on this issue when even their summation of the topic at hand is nonsensical and dumb as shit?
are you purposefully misunderstanding me? i don't consider getting emotional and pitchforky about specific crimes to be an adequate argument to justify the death penalty. i don't support the death penalty because i don't support murdering humans. even if one is an injection and another is what these assholes did, i'm…
i agree, all killings are definitely not of the same kind. the issue being discussed, though, is the willful murders committed by the men above, and the same committed on them by the state (whether or not you call the death penalty murder is a matter of politics, obviously). i don't think pulling the complicated and…
since women aren't objects, commodities, or simply a set of genitals for you to rate or consume at your discretion, but are actually human beings, and one's having of sex doesn't diminish their value or result in their being 'used up' - youre gross. don't worry, though, these issues should seem less confusing when you…
your argument doesn't really refute mine so much as take a different perspective on punishment. like i said, if killing is wrong, i dont think we shouldnt fight killing with killing, and stoop to the level of those we believe to have broken the rules of society. getting emotional and listing the severity of their…
true, but like you referred re death penalty: two wrongs to a right, eye for an eye, etc etc. if were condemning someone by arguing what theyve done is wrong, it doesnt really follow to repeat or approximate the transgression. ideally the reason we find these people abhorrent is because we denounce willfully causing…
gross. youre gross.
your only major quarrel is her total lack of morals? her skimpy costume aint so bad, it seems to entertain your dad?
white people to the rescue!
gotta be a troll. too gross and stupid to be real.
no dragonfly?
i thought the same thing. the source material warns. wouldnt go awry here..
straight up torn from the pages of american psycho. nauseating.
i dunno, i dont consider myself all-out ugly, but i am definitely not photogenic. even when im having a good-looking-type day, i get really uncomfortable and self-conscious with having to pose for pictures, anything less than spontaneous photos make me feel vain. i tend to pull faces in photos because then its…
chick orders steak tartare well-done at a somewhat snazz restaurant. i tell her how its generally served, and she seems a little put out but agrees to go for it raw. i brought it out and she barely touched it. kinda feel bad, cos it was priceyish, she wasn't a dick about it, and maybe she was too embarrassed to change…
agree, selena spends so much time barely coping between hers and her staff's (and president's) various fuck ups, she comes across as a charming and mildly competent politician just trying to get by and accomplish something. the few times where she's truly awful, like any instance involving Catherine, serve as an…
didn't you get the memo? all of reddit is all awful gross men and no self-respecting jezebel reader could gain a thing from the site. that's what jezebel's taught us, isnt it?
that's disappointing. there are lots of shitty people there, and lots of cool people. and tonnes of different topics and subreddits. jezebel only ever comments on the shitty stuff, since that's the stuff they consider relevant. then people like you judge redditors cos even though they might be on there discussing…
did you miss the part where she said: