
Not that easy to find emissions numbers on SLS but its using hydrolox and space shuttle solid rocket motors. The Hydrolox emissions are water. A Space Shuttle launch using those same boosters emitted 28 tons of c02.  Less demand for long haul air travel would be a more effective reduction in emissions.

Here’s an idea: let’s stop plastering Baldwin’s face and name in every article about this. Jesus christ. And it’s not just here, it’s everywhere. All you’re doing is feeding the ringwing dicknutbags and trolls.

You have murdered the English language.

The one I love isn’t listed here, but in their ToS, they also prohibit “excessive use of capital letters.”  They clearly don’t know who their boss is or how he doesn’t know how capitalization works.

I’m sorry you’re stupid.

I vote renaming it to ZuckCreep. Much more descriptive.

Because 90% of the people on here who rant about FB being evil are hypocrites. I’m guessing that they comment here, and then go right to FB to check their feed and zone out for the next hour..

Shell CEO Roasted at TED Climate Conference He Was Foolishly Invited to Speak At

Agreed. I came in really skeptical (a Ryan Gosling sequel so many years later? What a horrendous studio cash-in...) and  was absolutely floored. It was an amazing film and I’m so sad that more people didn’t see it. It is my very sincere hope that the movie grows a long tail of appreciation. 

Time will be kind to BR2049.

Working in the chemical industry I’m curious why a seal leak would lead to a spill that lasts long enough to be captured on video by air. There should be an isolation valve between the tank and the pump(s), typically a valve on either side of the pump. 

It IS Alberta, Canada’s most MAGA province.

the well’s owner Maga Energy”

That’s either an “ouch” or a “come the fuck on”, but I don’t know which.

I knew it was a bad sign when the Enterprise version of Windows 10 came with the store, games, and live tiles. 

Well, they tried that with 10. They eventually saw decreased sales and decreased hardware adoption. Which really is no joke in the long run, decreased hardware sales. Tablets and mobile could easily absorb the consumer PC market entirely.

That’s for a Wonderlander. Belter is the crest.

A long chain of squirrels.
As a side note, these are the fifth generation of squirrels, and pregnant baby squirrels were included when the satellites launched.

Well, why else are they defunding public education repeatedly?

After the cheering after Trump’s, “I love the poorly educated!”  I really gotta think 90% would shrug and keep using Infowars.

We have here the crossing of 3 things