
HA regularly has a rampie hold a rope on the tail of the exiting aircraft. When the pilot runs up, it pulls the plane out, away from the dock and into open water. Once he’s clear and the pilot can use the pontoon rudders, the rampie lets go and the pilot taxis to the pattern. I don’t think this guy understood that

Instructors do a lot of things an unrated pilot can’t/won’t/don’t know how to do.

We actually have checklists for this shit...

Someone forgot that run-ups on water are different from ground pre-flights. That’s going to be costly. 

Squirrels ARE dicks. 

And it looks like it’s the maintenance guy’s decade off! Look at the growth around it.

The 150 fuel system is gravity fed, by definition the low spot is on the centreline with the fuselage. Unless he was banked the entire flight, no. More likely his carb heater crapped out. 

Two quick things from a lot of time on a 150...1) Open the windows. Those big flappy bastards will retard your drop on a sunny day by like 40%, especially if you’re gliding. Second, if his carb was icing then it sounds like carb heater failure to me.

Leave his sexual orientation out of this please. 

It totally does NOT have a variable-pitch prop. Not until you get to some of the Cessna 172 series. 

UPS: Unusually Poor Service.

Yeah, or picking fruit, or wiping your grandma’s ass.

It’s so seldom you see a commenter’s posts live up to his handle, so...congratulations?

“Save Russian Jews, Earn Valuable Prizes!”

Horribly under-rated picker. Amazing guitarist. 

A new variation on the legendary Golf Ball syndrome.

BUT...did you finish it????

Well, in her defence, she had a lot on her mind: she had to score some meth, stick up the bank, then there was the whole car chase gong show...IN A NISSAN!...and be home in time for jimboree....life gets busy!

Especially based on his Jan 6 performance. 

He probably likes okra too.