
Either that or he’ll be on Dexy’s Midnight Runners until he’s punted out of office, being all four horsemen of the apocalypse on his own, spreading plague, pestilence, fear and famine as he goes.

Agree. Let’s not. I get the galloping heebie-jeebies every time I see that....I’m gonna say dude’s? face. 

If it’s like the rest of the auto industry, they’re almost prohibitively expensive to get rid of.

Know who else is fever-free?
Dead people.

Probably filet OF hookers.

New item at the Trump store: “I paid $250,000 to buy political power and all I got was this stupid virus!”

The bigger issue here is that, yet again, they tried to bury it. “Corona virus? I see no Corona Virus!”

Thoughts and prayers, you goddamn orange motherfucker, thoughts and prayers!

Melanomia’s worst nightmare: Close quarters for two weeks with Nacho Libre. 

If she’s as sexually active as she appears to be, she’s been spreading (in ANY context) for a loooooong-ass time. 

It starts at the top. Look at Sumner Redstone. And you don’t think Murdoch is a freak? 

Now playing

It’s like this song was written for the entire Trump cadre:


Y’know, at one time I would have agreed. But I think Chump is finding it’s a pretty easy gig being President with that many grifters and enablers around him, feeding his ego, and best of all, his own private justice department to fend off all the lawsuits and thick Russian boys circling around him. He’d be 80 by the

Oh, and bye-thebye, she once represented a terrorist group! For reelz!

Because Jesus told him not to.
“Honey, grab me a beer.
“I’m busy, why can’t you get it yourself?”
“Love to hon, but Jesus told me not to. Said it was your job.”
“Oh, OK. Just let me finish this dissenting opinion....”
“But I’M thirsty NOW, damn it! Are you anti-Jesus or what???”

Next question: Can we get a rundown on the Head(case) behind this cult ‘church’?

And yet somehow NXIVM (or whatever) are the bad guys.

MY question is if anyone can verify the reports that Parscale is being investigated for ripping off the RNC and Thump for something like $40 Mil.